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HomeMust ReadWhy Is Gluten Bad For Weight Loss

Why Is Gluten Bad For Weight Loss

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Coexisting Diabetes And Celiac Disease: Special Challenges

Is Whole Wheat bad for Weight Loss? | LiveLeanTV

For patients with concurrent diabetes and celiac disease, the gluten-free diet must be carefully planned to meet nutritional needs while controlling blood glucose. This is best accomplished through consultation with a registered dietitian nutritionist who is experienced in treating celiac disease and diabetes. The carbohydrate and fat content of gluten-free foods often is higher than in gluten-containing foods . In addition, the fiber content is typically lower, particularly if individuals eat the majority of grain servings in the form of rice-based, refined, and processed foods. Early studies in this area found that gluten-free foods may have a higher glycemic index than comparable gluten-containing foods, but more recent research does not support this conclusion . It is important for patients to read the labels of gluten-free foods for carbohydrate content and because serving sizes may differ from those of similar gluten-containing foods.

Is This Diet Safe

Though many health professionals suggest otherwise, its safe to follow a gluten-free diet even for people who dont necessarily need to do so.

Cutting out wheat and other gluten-containing grains or products will not cause adverse health effects as long as these products are replaced with nutritious foods.

All of the nutrients in gluten-containing grains, such as B vitamins, fiber, zinc, iron, and potassium, can easily be replaced by following a well-rounded, whole-foods-based diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, and nutritious protein sources.

Ditch The Gluten Improve Your Health

This just in: A new health myth has been taking the country by storm.

Perhaps I’m exaggerating a bit. After all, health fads especially diet fads have come and gone for decades. Some are more worthy than others. For example, I am impressed by the evidence supporting the Mediterranean diet as a healthy option. As each one of us is different, the “ideal diet” may not be the same for each person. But the interest and enthusiasm surrounding the gluten-free food movement in recent years has been remarkable. Not so long ago, relatively few people had ever heard of gluten. And it certainly wasn’t the “food movement” it has recently become.

If you’re considering limiting your consumption of gluten, you’re certainly not alone. But the question is: Will restricting the gluten you eat improve your health? And will it make you feel better? It’s appealing to think so.

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People With Celiac Disease

A gluten-free diet is necessary for people with celiac disease, an autoimmune response to gluten that causes the body to attack the small intestine, causing belly pain, nausea, bloating or diarrhea. People with celiac disease cant tolerate gluten in any form, and need to follow a gluten-free diet for the rest of their lives. If you have celiac and accidentally eat gluten, youll probably experience the same symptoms you did before you went gluten-free.

Take Care Of Your Gut Health

5 Foods To Avoid For Weight Loss

Once you kick gluten to the curb, your digestion may be going through some adjustments. To give it some love and support and accelerate its healing process, Snyder encourages taking daily probiotics. “The balance of the bacteria in your gut affects your skin and assists with digestion, leading to less congestion and fat storage in the body,” she says.

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You Don’t Eat Enough Whole Grains

In some cases, cutting out gluten means inadvertently lowering the intake of heart-healthy whole grains, which offer cardiovascular benefits, according to a study published in BMJ. The reduced intake of whole grains could increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, and the study’s researchers said gluten-free diets for people without celiac disease are not recommended.

Going gluten-free isn’t necessarily harmful, as long as diets focus on lots of vegetables, fruits, high-quality proteins, healthy fats, and slow-burning carbs from legumes and starchy vegetables, and don’t include too many processed foods, Foroutan reminds us. She recommends that people speak to a dietitian or nutritionist to help them find a healthy enjoyable diet.

“You can throw yourself into a tizzy trying to avoid all of the things that you’re trying to avoid,” she says. “But focusing on avoidance is less enjoyable than focusing on what to eat more of, and if you’re not one of those people who must avoid gluten 100 percent of the time, it’s helpful to kind of get some clarity around that.”

Naturally Gluten Free Foods

So the big question I get from family and friends is what can he eat?. Here is a list of some more common naturally occurring gluten free foods.

  • Fresh fruit all kinds
  • Teff
  • Wild Rice

The bigger issue is with the food preparation. For example, many marinades, dressings, sauces and other condiments contain wheat. For this reason, I now make all of my own marinades, dressings and sauces, not to mention that making them myself ensures that they are free of added sugar and preservatives. Additionally, there is the issue of cross contamination during food preparation with foods containing gluten.

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Three Reasons Not To Go Gluten Free

  • To eat healthier. Dont give up gluten because you think its a healthier way to eat. Unless you have to go gluten free to manage a medical condition, it isnt. Carbohydrates should make up 55 to 60 percent of a healthy diet, and thats where gluten is found. Cutting out wheat, rye, barley and the other grains that provide gluten eliminates some of the key sources of complex carbohydrates needed in a balanced diet. Also lost are the fiber, B vitamins and folate found in carbohydrates, as well as the iron, calcium and vitamin D provided by fortified breads and cereals. Gluten-free breads, cereals and crackers may help you fill the void, but they tend to be lower in fiber, are generally not fortified, and often contain more sugar and fat to make up for the texture and flavor that are lost when gluten is left out. Yes, you can take supplements to replace some of the lost nutrients, but people tend to absorb nutrients best when they come from food.
  • To try to diagnose your own symptoms. If you think you may have celiac disease, DH or gluten sensitivity, dont go gluten free on your own to try to find out. Its important to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis while you are still eating a normal diet. The blood test used to help diagnose celiac disease and DH depends on finding an antibody to gluten in your blood. If you have been avoiding gluten, the antibodies may not show up in your blood test, which could yield a false negative.
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    Your Energy Levels Will Spike

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    Digestion requires a lot of energy, and it takes even more of a toll when your body is trying to process something it can’t. After going gluten-free, you’ll be putting less of a strain on your gut, and there’s a good chance your energy levels will benefit. Put the burst to good use: Here are our favorite gluten-free recipes.

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    Maintaining A Healthy Weight While Eating Gluten

    People with celiac disease may experience weight gain after starting a gluten-free diet this initial weight gain indicates that their intestinal health is improving and they are more effectively absorbing nutrients. However, gaining too much weight can lead to multiple health problems. Read our tips and suggestions below to learn about maintaining a healthy weight while on the gluten-free diet.

    Gaining weight after starting a gluten-free diet is common in people diagnosed with celiac disease.1,2 In fact, it is a sign that the intestinal lining is healing. However, if weight gain continues and leads to being overweight, other health concerns can arise, such as heart disease and high blood pressure. 3 Find answers to common questions about weight gain on the gluten-free diet below.

    There are several factors that may lead to excess weight gain on the gluten-free diet:

    The first step is to connect with a professional who can help. Working with a registered dietitian nutritionist has been shown to help patients adopt a healthier gluten-free diet and lose weight.7 If you are struggling with emotional issues related to celiac disease affecting your diet, ask for a referral to a clinician who specializes in this area.

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    Take-Home Messages

    How Do I Speed Up My Metabolism

    Here are 10 easy ways to increase your metabolism. Eat Plenty of Protein at Every Meal. Eating food can increase your metabolism for a few hours. Drink More Cold Water. Do a High-Intensity Workout. Lift Heavy Things. Stand up More. Drink Green Tea or Oolong Tea. Eat Spicy Foods. Get a Good Nights Sleep.

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    Gluten Sources And Alternatives

    Many foods and drinks have gluten. But you can avoid certain types of food and ingredients on a gluten-free diet.

    Avoid foods and drinks with these grains:

    • Wheat
    • Barley
    • Rye
    • Triticale

    Oats are gluten-free, but they can come in contact with gluten during production. Oats labeled gluten-free are usually safe, but some people with celiac disease may still be sensitive to them.

    Common foods. There are many gluten-free alternatives for common foods with gluten, such as:

    • Pasta and noodles

    Alternatives for typical ingredients with gluten include:

    • Flour: almond meal flour, coconut flour, cornstarch, millet, pea flour, potato flour, soy flour
    • Oats: amaranth, buckwheat, sorghum
    • Grains: brown rice, white rice, wild rice, quinoa
    • Other: corn, potatoes

    Type 1 Diabetes And Celiac Disease

    Is Gluten Bad for Everyone?

    The prevalence of celiac disease is increased in those with other autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes. The prevalence of celiac disease in people with type 1 diabetes is estimated to be between 1.4 and 19.7% . The common denominators in both conditions are the HLA DQ2 and HLA DQ8 genes however, environmental factors such as infections, infant feeding practices, and breastfeeding may play a role, although to what extent is unknown . In addition, there is emerging research into the potential role of the gut microbiome .

    Adult patients with new onset type 1 diabetes may be even more likely to develop celiac disease. Bakker et al. found that 42% of those with adult-onset type 1 diabetes developed celiac disease 10 years after diagnosis. A delay in celiac disease diagnosis may occur in adults, whose gastrointestinal symptoms may be incorrectly attributed to neuropathy . One study found that 48% of adult patients with type 1 diabetes had been symptomatic for > 5 years before being diagnosed with celiac disease .

    There does not appear to be a link between type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and the development of celiac disease. One study showed a lower incidence of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome in those with celiac disease, even after controlling for BMI, which was significantly lower in those with celiac disease .

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    Why Many People Feel Better

    There are several reasons why most people feel better on a gluten-free diet.

    First, avoiding gluten usually involves cutting back on processed foods, as its found in a wide array of highly processed foods, such as fast food, baked goods, and sugary cereals.

    These foods not only contain gluten but are typically also high in calories, sugar, and unhealthy fats.

    Many people say that they lose weight, feel less fatigued, and have less joint pain on a gluten-free diet. Its likely that these benefits are attributed to the exclusion of unhealthy foods.

    For example, diets high in refined carbs and sugars have been linked to weight gain, fatigue, joint pain, poor mood, and digestive issues all symptoms related to NCGS .

    Whats more, people often replace gluten-containing foods with healthier options, such as vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, and proteins which can promote health and well-being.

    Additionally, digestive symptoms may improve as a result of reducing intake of other common ingredients, such as FODMAPs .

    Although improved symptoms on a gluten-free diet may be related to NCGS, these improvements could also be due to the reasons listed above or a combination of the two.


    Cutting out gluten-containing foods may improve health for several reasons, some of which may be unrelated to gluten.

    You Might Develop A Nutritional Deficiency

    When you eliminate wheat, barley, and rye from your meals, you’re not just getting rid of gluten, you’re lowering your intake of a wide range of other nutrients that tend to come in those foods, including iron, fiber, folic acid, zinc, vitamin D, and more.

    “When we have to put someone on a gluten-free diet because of celiac disease, we only do it with the supervision of a dietitian to make sure they make up the nutrients they’re missing,” Dr. Fasano says. “There’s no question that if you do it on your own without paying careful attention to filling in those gaps, you can develop a nutrient deficiency,” he says. Signs of a deficiency include fatigue, weakness, hair loss, mood changes, constipation, and missed periods.

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    What You Can Eat And What You Can’t

    On the G-Free Diet, youll avoid all foods that contain gluten, which means anything made with wheat, rye, barley, and certain oats that have been processed in the same facility as wheat.

    Some sources of gluten may surprise you, like beer, fried foods, soy sauce, and some dairy substitutes. Wine, champagne, sake, and tequila are generally gluten-free and are allowed on the G-Free Diet.

    My Personal History With Lectins

    Does Gluten Cause Weight Gain

    Now, Ive known about Lectins for over 25+ years.

    And the reason Ive been so knowledgeable about it is mainly through indirect reasons primarily because of my involvement with professional and Olympic athletes.

    Over the decades, I discovered that when people ate certain Lectin-rich foods they looked and felt worse. Slowly they lost muscle, gained fat, felt tired, had more aches and pains, and even their brain and cognition suffered as well.

    Except, 25+ years ago, I and most experts, didnt know the specific reason was due to Lectins back then. We just knew to avoid specific foods that made us look and feel older! And these just happened to be foods high in Lectins.

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    Ways Eating Gluten Makes You Fat Sick And Tired

    Celebrity nutrition, fitness, and mindset expert

    A recent study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics concluded that nixing gluten is not a good way to lose weight.

    In this study, author Dr. Glenn Gaesser points out many supposed health benefits of gluten, including heart, gut, and immune system health. He also argues removing gluten frequently leads to weight gain because when people go gluten-free, they gravitate to high-sugar gluten-free junk foods.

    Dr. Gaesser believes ill-informed celebrities have misled the public about gluten-free diets. “Gaga isn’t the only misinformed celebrity ,” writes Kelsey Blackwell, addressing this study. “Miley Cyrus, Peter Sarsgaard and Kim Kardashian have all suggested a gluten-free diet helped them lose weight, and the media buzz continues to add to the consumer confusion about what and who this diet is really for.”

    Misunderstanding the Gluten-Free Diet

    I completely agree with Dr. Gaesser and all the other pro-gluten defenders: Junk food is junk food, period, whether it’s certified gluten-free or not. Snacking on gluten-free cookies and dining on gluten-free pizza will seriously stall fast fat loss.

    But let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater. A gluten-free diet does not automatically entail processed foods. In fact, many of my clients stay lean and healthy on a whole foods, gluten-free diet. Some of them have been gluten-free for years and never felt or looked better.

    For more by JJ Virgin, .


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