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HomeExclusiveTight Glutes Causing Lower Back Pain

Tight Glutes Causing Lower Back Pain

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Can An Old Back Injury Even From Years Before Suddenly Begin To Cause Shooting Pain

Do-It-Anywhere Glutes Release to Relieve Lower Back Pain and Tightness

It’s possible for an earlier injury to a vertebral disc one of the “cushions” between the bones of the spine to eventually deteriorate and rupture. The soft material within the disc is pressed out through the break in the disc’s tough outer material, irritating the sciatic nerves and causing the shooting, radiating back pain.

Tight Quads Overpower Hamstrings

When your quads are too tight, and the pelvis is pulled down in front, there is a corresponding lift up in back. This puts the hamstring “on a stretch,” as therapists like to say.

And yes: This can hurt.

If you sit a lot at home or work, you can probably feel your “sitting bones.” These small bones need hamstring muscles to stay attached to your hip.

Generally, good posture helps pull down your pelvis in the back. This is a good thing because it helps keep your pelvis in a comfortable position.

Tight quads set off a “chain reaction” in your body as the pelvis moves down in front and up in back while the hamstring stretches. The reaction? Pain, and often lots of it.

If you don’t strengthen your hamstrings and stretch your quads, the hamstrings may lose their ability to support your ideal pelvic and spinal positions.

What Can Lead To Tight Glutes

Tightness in these muscles can be caused by a number of factors. The most common culprit? Sitting too much. Excessive sitting leads to the muscles of your hip flexors getting tighter. Tighter hip flexors and weak glutes go hand in hand.

Psst? Want to learn more about excessive sitting? Read our blog to learn how much sitting is too much.

Other possible causes of tight glute muscles are:

  • Delayed onset muscle soreness .
  • Improper/insufficient warm-ups and cool-downs.
  • Hamstrings.

This could mean pain, tenderness, immobility, or instability.

Whats challenging about addressing tight glute muscles is that the area can actually be sensitive to touch. If you reach around right now and apply pressure to your glute with your fingers, you might find yourself flinching in pain.

So, how can you alleviate tightness in your glutes in an effective but gentle way?

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Diagnosing Lower Back Pain

To diagnose lower back pain, a doctor will first do a physical exam. Theyll look at how well you move and if your back has any visible issues.

Then theyll take a medical history. This will cover your symptoms, any recent injuries, previous back issues, and the severity of your pain.

A physical exam and medical history are often enough for a doctor to determine the cause of your pain. However, they may also need to do an imaging test. Potential tests include:

  • X-ray, which can find broken or misaligned bones.
  • CT scan, which shows soft tissues such as the discs between vertebrae and potential tumors
  • myelogram, which uses dye to enhance the contrast in a CT scan or X-ray to help a doctor identify nerve or spinal cord compression

The Crucial Role Of Glute Med


Gluteus medius is responsible for stabilizing our pelvis when we walk, run, or stand. It helps keep the hip in a neutral and balanced position through hip abduction and medial rotation of the hip. If you try to lift your leg or raise your left foot, your glute med muscles receive the pressure of your stance and keep your hips in a level position.

If your gluteus medius gets weak, the other side of your hip will drop whenever you move your leg up or forward. While it may not cause any pain at the start, the pressure placed on the gluteus medius muscle will be distributed to the surrounding muscles and tendons which may affect your knees and your ankles.

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Knowing When You Have Tight Quads

Believe it or not, sometimes even athletes don’t know if their quads are tight. It can be tricky to know for sure, especially if you spend most of your day sitting. But one thing is certain: The more time you spend in a chair, the tighter your quadsand your lower back muscleswill probably get.

There is no substitute for a trip to your healthcare provider and/or physical therapist. A posture evaluation is the most accurate and reliable way to test your quads.

But what if you’re in a hurry to know? Try doing a few screening tests at home:

  • Stand up and push your hips forward. How far forward can you go? What do you feel? Pain may equal tight quadriceps.
  • Assume a lunge position, with one leg forward in front of the other and the back leg straight. Ask yourself the same questions from above. And also: How does the front of your hip on the back leg feel?
  • Stand with your front leg bent and the back leg straight. Discomfort in the back leg could mean you have tight quads.
  • From a kneeling position, arch your back. Now grasp your ankles behind you. Modify the pose to adjust for any pain or joint issues. You may have tight quads if you must prop yourself up or modify the pose to reduce the pain.

What Happens When Your Hammys Are Tight

Look, its perfectly normal that lower back and hamstring pain pair up together, but even more is that you learn what happens once it occurs

Tight hamstrings will pull on a muscle called the ischial tuberosities, an area of your pubic bone.

When it gets pulled inward, your pelvis gets pushed backward. At this moment in time, your vertebrae in your lower back are brought flexed forward. What does this all mean? Possible trouble lies ahead

So when your hamstrings become tight and you get a bend forward flexion has to come from your lumbar spine. This is not ideal! Guess what gets it the worst? Your ligaments around your vertebrae! and this can make a bulging disc far worse. Yikes!

But I was taught the ways

To resolve that, the key is to keep your hamstrings lengthened at all times so you can move properly.

Related:Fixing Muscle Imbalances

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Gluteus Medius Dysfunction In Athletes

Gluteus medius muscle tears and ruptures are often seen in high-impact athletes and runners. Athletes in sports such as basketball, rugby, soccer and tennis are at high risk, as are professional ballet dancers. Sudden bursts of activity combined with tight gluteal muscles are often the core cause of gluteal ruptures. Tears of the gluteus medius can lead to trochanteric bursitis, an inflammation of the bursa sac that cushions the bone over the greater trochanter, causing side hip pain.

Gluteus Medius Pain Patterns & Symptoms

How to strengthen a weak gluteus maximus to alleviate low back pain and tight hamstrings

Gluteus Medius Pain Patterns:

The Gluteus Medius muscle has the capacity to refer a gnarly amount of pain to the low back, rear belt-line, glutes, and outer hip. The image below is from Travell & Simons work , and it depicts in bright red where pain caused by Gluteus Medius can arise on the body.

Gluteus Medius Pain Patterns

Gluteus Medius Pain Symptoms:

Gluteus Medius pain will generally feel like nagging low back pain and pain along the upper buttock region. This pain can be brought on by a single event such as lifting a couch, but also can occur gradually from performing physical activity at a high volume. After Gluteus Medius is tight and causing pain, staying on your feet for too long can be very uncomfortable.

Additional Gluteus Medius pain symptoms:

  • Flattened low back caused by a hyperactive, tight Gluteus Medius
  • Pain from standing or walking for hours at a time
  • Pain while lifting or carrying objects that should be easy
  • Discomfort walking, climbing stairs, running

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How Are Conditions That Cause Tight Back Muscles Diagnosed

Almost every medical condition thought to cause tight back muscles, from blunt force trauma to fibromyalgia, can be diagnosed with a physical exam conducted by a medical professional. More serious conditions causing tight back muscles that involve neurological issues may need to be identified during specialized scans or examinations.

For conditions related to the spinal cord and TLF, doctors may order an immunohistochemical analysis of spinal fluid. This tests the fluid for the presence of certain proteins that may be connected with excessive tightness in the sheath, as well as levels of myofibroblasts, small connective tissue cells that increase contractile force to help close wounds on the skin .

Certain kinds of arthritis that cause muscle tightness can also be detected by the presence of nodules and rashes on the skin.


Almost every condition that causes tight back muscles can be identified by a physical exam. Conditions involving the spinal cord and TLF may require an analysis of spinal fluid, while arthritis can sometimes be diagnosed by rashes and skin nodules.

Treating Lower Cross Syndrome In Apex Nc

When treating LCS, we want to focus on the root cause of the problem, not just the symptoms. Since our muscles work as a unit and not individually, one muscle becoming inhibited causes a chain reaction and other muscles are forced to overcompensate. To effectively treat LCS, you must focus on loosening the hip flexor muscles like the iliopsoas and erector spinae muscles and then begin to strengthen the glutes and abdominals. Loosening the tight hip flexors will alleviate any pain and discomfort associated with LCS, which in turn puts the body in a healthy state in order to strengthen the weakened part of the cross without the risk of injury.

In order to strengthen the glutes and abdominals effectively, you must focus on the deep stabilization muscles. A great exercise to perform to isolate these muscles is the glute bridge. This exercise targets your glutes and other muscles that are meant to hold your body upright, which strengthens the muscles associated with good posture. The glute bridge also helps in activating and strengthening your core stabilizer muscles, which are designed to help support the spine. We like to utilize this exercise because it is great for people who are unable to perform more complex exercises, such as the squat.

Call our team at Omega Chiropractic Center – Sports Performance & Nutrition in Apex at today to schedule an appointment.

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Study: Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome And Gluteus Medius Contraction Imbalance

A 2020 study used ultrasound imaging to compare gluteus medius muscle activation in 27 subjects with patellofemoral pain syndrome , aka runners knee, to activation patterns of a control group with no knee pain. Results showed that the patellofemoral pain syndrome group had a significantly larger gluteus medius activation imbalance between the right and left sides compared to the control group. The imbalance in the PFPS group was strongly correlated with knee pain scores.

Chronic Low Back Pain Is Major

Gentle Lower Back and Glutes Release to Relieve Pain and Tightness ...

Back pain can draw the delight out of your days for week, months, also years. It can certainly be serious also when its not dangerous. I have actually dealt with many really unpleasant persistent low back pain clients, as well as obviously the significant economic expenses of back pain are cited practically anywhere the subject turns up. But your typical case of persistent low back pain, as awful as it can be, has actually never ever eliminated anyone. Lower Back Hip And Glute Pain

Such reasons are unusual, fortunately. Yet terrible things do happen, also the most effective physicians can miss them (and also different health care experts are even more likely to Ordinary back pain can be tough & horrible but not unsafe. Its bark is almost always much louder than its bite.

Hi there! Im Sara and welcome to my site, 4thicft. As someone who has been suffering from back pain for most of my adult life, I understand what a pain it can be. Thankfully my back feels almost as good as new these days after much trial and error. I am also a big Yoga fan as it has helped with my posture. Hope my site helps!

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Hip Flexors And A Weak Core

Because the hip flexors and gluteal muscles are attached to the pelvis, it causes a tilted pelvis and low back pain when the muscles are out of balance.

Your hip flexors raise the thigh toward the abdomen. When they are tight, they pull the pelvis forward and cause an excessive arch in the lumbar spine. They also may take over some of the functions of the abdominal muscles, which weakens your core â the abdominal and spinal muscles. A weak core also increases the risk of back pain.

What Are The Symptoms Of Tight Hip Flexors

The symptoms of tight hip flexors include pain and inflexibility in the front of your hip towards your upper thigh muscle and, sometimes, youll feel symptoms as lower back pain as well.

These symptoms can either be mild or rather severe and since everything in your body is connected, problems with your hip flexors can lead to a wide range of other physiological issues.

A good way to test whether or not you have tight hip flexors is to try this exercise:

  • Lie flat on your back
  • Bring both knees in towards your chest
  • Stay a hold of your right knee as you straighten your left knee, lowering it towards the ground as far as you can
  • Repeat with on the other side

If youre unable to lower your extended leg to the ground, your hip flexors are considered tight.

Hip flexors themselves are a group of muscles near the top of your thigh at the front of both your hip joints. They connect your upper thigh to the hip and allow you to bend at the waist and lift your leg. The main muscles that make up your hip flexor include your psoas, rectus femoris, tensor fasciae latae, and sartorius.

Whether you feel tightness and pain in your hips due to overactivity, a regular running routine, sitting for extended periods, weak muscles surrounding your hip flexors, or even from emotional stress, there are many potential causes of tight hip flexors, the most common of which include:

  • Sitting for long periods
  • Structural imbalance creating a tipped pelvis
  • Some sleeping positions
  • Postural issues

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Weak Gluteus Muscles And Lower Back Pain

Did you realise that there is a strong link between lower back pain and weak glute muscles, or the muscles in your bottom?

The glute complex is comprised of three muscles that make up our bottoms gluteus maximus, medius and minimus. These muscles have multiple important roles to play in assisting with the stabilisation of the lower back and pelvis, as well as extend, externally rotate the leg and adduct or abduct the hip. As osteopaths we are also aware of just how important they are to keeping away back, hip and leg pain

With a large percentage of our population spending the majority of their day sitting, we are developing what has become known as sloppy bottom. A muscle that is continually being placed on stretch becomes harder to activate. At the same time health practitioners are finding a marked correlation between the lack of strength in this glute area and chronic pain in the lower back, hips, knees or ankles.

Some of the largest demands on the glute complex is with standing on one leg. Now even though no one spends their day standing on one leg, we all will occasionally run to catch the bus or walk up and down stairs. Others put this demand on repeatedly by running as exercise. These are activities that involve momentarily putting our entire body weight through one leg. If we do this, and the pelvis is not being supported through sufficient glute strength, forces are placed on muscles and joints which arent designed to tolerate this load.

Types Of Lower Back Pain

Gentle Lower Back and Glutes Release to Relieve Pain and Tightness

There are two main types of lower back pain that are:

Mechanical or Axial Pain is the most common pain that patients feel in their lower back area. Mechanical pain is generally radiated from the lower back to buttocks and the upper legs. It is generally caused by prolonged sitting, walking etc.

Radicular Pain is a type of lower back pain caused because of the damage to the spinal nerve root, which can cause inflammation in the nerves. The patient feels sharp sensations of pain and burning type sensation as well in the lower back. The pain is generally felt on one side of the body.

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The Thin Line Between The Beauty Of Adaptability And The Frustration Of Compensation

Walking is one of the primary functions of your nervous system. And its quite simple one leg swings, the other leg pushes. The nervous system fires those patterns simultaneously on opposite sides of the body. A chain of muscles is stimulated to swing the right leg while a different chain of muscles is stimulated for stance and push off on the other side.

The gluteus maximus is a primary muscle used to propel you from one foot to the other. Its an important muscle during the stance and push off phase of gait.

If youve got a case of glute amnesia on one side then your body will have to figure out another way to drive you forward. The result is use of a movement pattern that has tweaked which muscles get used during that sides stance and push off phase when you walk or run.

Done once.not a problem. In fact its one of the awesome feats your body is capable of your body has adapted to a challenge it perceives in order to complete the task of stance and push off on that side of the body.

But done over and over, day after day for a period of time changes the beauty of adaptability into the frustration of compensation.

The buttock is important to pull your hip into extension, which brings your bodys center of mass in front of the ankle. Momentum helps your muscles finish the job of propelling you forward.

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