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HomeBreadSprouted Grain Bread Gluten Free

Sprouted Grain Bread Gluten Free

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Reviews For Sprouted Gluten Free Baking Mix

Sprouted Sourdough Gluten Free Bread
  • Rated 5 out of 5

    Lisa October 15, 2015

    I had never bought the sprouted flour before because I grind my own flour, but my grinder needs repaired, so I decided to buy some of this gluten free blend while it’s in the shop. I was impressed. Because of the sprouted oat flour, the dough holds together nicely, almost producing an elasticity. We made yeast bread and other baked goods that were easy to work with and delicious.

  • Rated 5 out of 5


    Does anyone have any gluten free recipes they could share, please??

  • toyourhealth

    What sort of recipes are you looking for? Cookies? Cakes? Breads? Any and all?

  • Rated 4 out of 5

    A Terry January 21, 2016

    Can I use this in the sandwich bread recipe and not add the vital gluten and it still turn out ok? I have celiac and am trying to find a way to make sprouted grain gluten free bread.

  • abstewart January 22, 2016

    Hi A. Terry,Thank you for your question. Please take a look at our gluten-free baking tips I am currently typing up and adding more gluten-free recipes as we have so many of them that need to be shared. Meanwhile, I found this recipe online that you may like to try with the gluten-free baking mix. Please let me know if I can further help you .


  • Rated 5 out of 5


    You have the products and plenty of help on how to use it. Perfect!

  • Grains And Legumes Contain Antinutrients

    Its also important to note that most organisms dont want to be eaten. Grains and legumes are no exception. To get their genes to the next generation, they need to survive.

    Many plants produce chemicals to discourage animals from eating them .

    Some of these function as antinutrients substances that can prevent the absorption of nutrients and inhibit digestive enzymes.

    One example is soybeans. Because they contain enzyme inhibitors, they are toxic when raw .

    Even though most grains and legumes are edible after being cooked, cooking doesnt eliminate all antinutrients .

    Many non-industrial populations throughout the world have eaten grains without problems. However, most of them used traditional preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting, fermenting, and cooking to significantly reduce the number of antinutrients.

    While antinutrients dont adversely affect health in most people, they can contribute to vitamin and mineral deficiencies in people who rely on legumes or grains as a dietary staple .

    However, antinutrients arent necessarily unhealthy. Phytic acid, for example, is a strong antioxidant that contributes to the beneficial effects of grains and seeds .


    Sprouting soaking grains in water and allowing them to germinate causes a number of biochemical reactions in the grains.

    The benefits of sprouting include increasing the number of beneficial nutrients and reducing the number of antinutrients .

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    What Does Sprouting Do

    Even though grains such as wheat and corn look simple on the outside, they contain enormously complex molecular machinery. There are genes, proteins, and enzymes that can turn a tiny seed into an entire plant.

    When the grain receives the right signals, a complex biochemical process begins. The seed starts germinating, breaks through the shell, and sends sprouts up into the air and roots into the soil.

    If it gets enough water and nutrients from the soil, it eventually turns into a plant.

    A sprouted seed is somewhere between being a seed and being a full-fledged plant.

    But theres one thing to keep in mind: The seed doesnt sprout unless the conditions are favorable. Given the right signals mainly hydration and the correct temperature the seed will start to sprout.

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    Why Ezekiel Bread Is The Healthiest Bread You Can Eat

    Ezekiel bread is as healthy as a bread gets.

    Its a type of sprouted bread, made from a variety of whole grains and legumes that have started germinating .

    Compared to white bread, which is made of refined wheat flour, Ezekiel bread is much richer in healthy nutrients and fiber.

    But is it as healthy as marketers claim? This article takes a closer look.

    Potential Risks Of Ezekiel Bread

    Gluten Free Gypsy: Vegan Sprouted Grain Bread

    If you are going to eat bread, you will be hard-pressed to find a healthier choice than Ezekiel bread, although it may be only slightly better than others. Sprouted bread is more expensive than regular bread, and the added nutritional value may not be worth the cost for some consumers. Here are other reasons Ezekiel bread is not ideal for everyone:

    High in Carbohydrates

    Ezekiel bread is a high-carb food. People with diabetes and those trying to lose weight should only eat it in small amounts. Ezekiel bread is not consistent with a keto diet.

    Gluten Content

    Although Ezekiel bread is technically flourless, it is not a gluten-free product. Those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance shouldn’t eat it. There are other flourless breads that do not contain gluten.

    Contamination With Mold

    Ezekiel bread does not contain food additives such as preservatives, so it may get moldy more quickly than other breads. While the molds that typically grow on bread are not as dangerous as others, under some circumstances they may produce mycotoxins. It’s not enough to cut off the visible mold, because the roots of the mold can extend far into the bread.

    Show Sources

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    Everyone Can Benefit From The Digestive Benefits Of Sprouted Grains

    With 20 different products, you can eat a variety of Silver Hills’ breads and know that you’re always getting wholesome, preservative-free nutrition

    We recognized the health and digestive benefits of sprouted grains early on, says Brousson, whose mom used to bake sprouted grain breads when he was a child. We started baking the bread for the health guests at the Silver Hills Guest House. They were unable to find a wholesome, all-natural bread that aligned with their dietary values, so we created one for them.

    Since then, the demand for the vegan, kosher and almost-entirely organic bread outgrew their facilities and the Silver Hills Bakery began to germinate. The response and feedback from our sprouted grain breads continues to be overwhelmingly positive, says Brousson.

    Theres a Silver Hills product for everyone , from their best-selling Squirrelly bread and Steady Eddie bread , to their new line of gluten-free products that includes the Chia Chia and Macks Flax breads, as well as a line of sprouted grain bagels.

    Ive tried at least 10 of their products and they are all absolutely delicious and hearty, plus they leave me without the bellyache that regular bread sometimes does. I rarely go a day without having a slice or two of Silver Hills bread.

    Lower In Gluten Which May Improve Tolerability

    Gluten is the sticky protein found in wheat, barley, rye and spelt that is responsible for the chewy texture of bread.

    It has recently received a lot of attention due to its potentially negative health effects.

    Gluten has been linked to inflammation, leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome and other health problems in some people (

    24 ).

    However, sprouting does not entirely eliminate gluten. If you have celiac disease or a true gluten allergy, you should avoid sprouted grains that contain gluten.

    In this case, sprouted gluten-free grains, such as rice, corn and quinoa, are better choices for you.


    Sprouted grain bread contains less gluten than breads made from unsprouted grains. While this may improve tolerability, people with celiac disease or an allergy to wheat should still avoid sprouted, gluten-containing grains.

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    The Essene Bread Model

    Sprouted-grain breads are typically made from grain that’s been dried and then milled into flour, like any other grain. But one type of sprouted-grain bread — called “Essene” bread because it’s described in a surviving manuscript written by that ancient religious sect — takes a different approach. The damp, sprouted wheat is coarsely ground into a sticky mess that oddly resembles ground beef, then shaped into flat, round loaves and baked. It makes a sweet, dense, cakelike loaf that doesn’t rise like conventional breads and is therefore easily adapted to gluten-free grains.

    What Is Whole Wheat Bread

    Making Gluten Free Sprouted Oat Bread

    Whole wheat bread is not the same as whole grain bread. According to the Government of Canada, whole wheat flour is milled with some of the fibrous bran and most of the nutritious germ removed to help reduce rancidity and prolong the shelf life. In order to be deemed whole grain, we need to have the entire original kernel intact. In some cases, the bread will say 100% whole wheat to indicate that no other grains are mixed with wheat. Nevertheless, whole wheat bread is still higher in fibre, protein and several vitamins and minerals than white bread.

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    Easy To Add To Your Diet

    Finding sprouted grain bread is relatively easy these days. Its available at your local farmers market, health food store or even a regular grocery store.

    Most sprouted grain breads can be found in the refrigerator or freezer section. Popular brands are Ezekiel 4:9 and sprouted varieties by Daves Killer Bread and Alvarado Street Bakery.

    Sprouted grain bread tends to be denser and heavier than breads made from flours, so if youre looking for a fluffy white bread, it wont fit the bill.

    However, its perfect for making toast. You may not even notice the difference in texture once its toasted.

    If youd like to make your own sprouted grain bread, you can try this recipe.


    Sprouted grain bread can easily be substituted for regular bread, though it has a much denser texture. You can find it in stores or try making your own.

    Can You Eat Sprouted Grains On A Gluten

    When eating a gluten-free diet, you tend to worry about everything you eat. Even a slight mistake of eating the wrong thing may mean a health disaster.

    It is only natural to keep a thorough check on all foods you eat. But things can indeed get confusing at times, especially when you are reasonably new to a gluten-free diet and lifestyle.

    So, while you deliberate what to eat and what to avoid, have you ever wondered can you eat sprouted grains on a gluten-free diet? To anyone who knows about how one needs to avoid grains on a gluten-free diet, this could be a real question.

    Do you categorize sprouted grains with all the other grains, or can you eat sprouted grains on a gluten-free diet?

    Are you tired of looking for the answer to this question on your own? We are here to help you! Before we delve into the question of can you eat sprouted grains on a gluten-free diet or not, we need to know about something else.

    To understand the question, we need to analyze the relationship between sprouted grains and gluten intolerance.

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    What Is White Bread

    White bread typically refers to wheat breads with the outer bran and germ removed during milling process leaving the starchy endosperm. Without natural oils present in the whole grain, white bread has a longer shelf-life and lighter texture. However, according to the Whole Grains Council, without the bran and germ, about 25% of a grains protein is lost along with much of the fibre and important vitamins and minerals.

    According to the Government of Canada, some white breads are enriched with certain vitamins and minerals that were removed during milling. In Canada, manufacturers are also required to fortify white flour with folic acid. However, white flour still lacks some nutrients found in whole grain .

    by Judy Converse | Oct 23, 2017 | Autism & ADHD, Food Allergies & Sensitivities, Growth & Feeding |

    Ezekiel and sprouted wheat breads are taking off in the ancestral diet department but does this work on a gluten free diet? Spoiler alert: Sprouted grains, while containing less or different gluten from modern wheat, are not gluten-free. And even old land-race or ancestral strains of sprouted, organic, fermented wheat may be poorly tolerated in a modern-day injured gut. We have different wheat nowadays, and different guts!

    In the case of wheat, grinding and refining non-sprouted seeds retains a lot of gluten great for that doughy elasticity we so enjoy in stuff like dinner rolls or doughnuts, but bad for gluten-sensitive people.

    We Eat Different Wheat Now

    Ok So NOW WHAT?

    What Are Sprouted Grains

    The Best Gluten Free Sprouted Bread

    Sprouted grains have been soaked until they germinate. This process enriches the wheat, which in turn ups the levels of nutrients and lowers carbohydrates. According Minchen, Sprouted grains are more easily digested, and the nutrients are better absorbed than traditional whole grain and refined grain breads.

    Sprouted grains: a key ingredient in sprouted grain bread.

    Sprouted grains, Minchen adds, are closer to their natural form than refined wheat flour.

    One reason for this increased nutrient absorption: the breakdown of antinutrients, which are naturally occurring chemicals designed to protect the grain or legume by deterring animals from eating it. The sprouting process reduces the amount of these protective chemicals, which prevent the absorption of nutrients and can hinder digestive enzymes. Take raw soybeans, for exampletheyre toxic in their natural state.

    Need another reason to eat sprouted bread? Well give you three, according to researchers of studies published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry and the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. Sprouting increases the amount of:

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    Why Do You Find Ezekiel Bread In The Freezer Aisle

    Most stores keep preservative-free Ezekiel loaves in freezers in order to prevent molding and retain that bakery-made taste. Thats because there are no preservatives in the bread. Without artificial preservatives, Ezekiel bread will go through the natural process that happens to all real food: spoiling! Freezing delays that process.

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    Is Sprouted Grain Bread Carb

    You saw the word bread here, right? That means its not carb-free . But, Minchen notes, Its a moderate source of carbs. About one serving per serving of bread .

    So, if youre on a carb-restricted diet, sprouted grain bread isnt the panacea youre looking for. If you arent watching your carbs or your waistline, feel free to indulge. All of those extra nutrients and fiber should help alleviate some of the associated bread guilt.

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    Sprouted For Life Breads

    The First Gluten-Free Sprouted Grain Bread.

    After countless hours of research and development, Food For Life is pleased to release Sprouted for Life Breadthe first available Gluten Free Breads made from Sprouted Grains such as Quinoa, Millet and Chia.

    It has become clear that many of the gluten free breads on the market today, while being “gluten free”, are simply not addressing the overall health needs of consumers. You see, gluten free breads lack the one component that gives bread that familiar soft chewy texture. And, that component is gluten.

    Without Gluten, manufacturers are forced to use alternative ingredients that mimic the elasticity that gluten provides. And, many of them are choosing to feature egg whites and refined starches today.However, in their quest to achieve even greater

    elasticity in an effort to win out on the soft and chewy test, consumers are seeing an ever expanding list of gluten free breads made from ingredients which you wouldnt expect in natural breads. Some of which are sadly devoid of many nutrients. Yes, the race to replace gluten has gotten to the point where it really needed to be addressed for the benefit of the gluten intolerant consumer.

    Sprouted to maximize nutrition and digestibility. Available now in the frozen section.

    With just one bite, youll know theyre a food for life!

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