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HomeDietGluten Free Diet Plan For Dummies

Gluten Free Diet Plan For Dummies

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Why Follow A Dairy

Top 10 Gluten Free Grocery Hacks: Cheap enough for the whole family

Well, let me explain.

You see, we all have consumed grains, dairy, legumes, and meat in our lifetime, yes? Yes! I eat them all. Gluten-free grains of course.

But heres the thing. As I sit here typing up this post, I can tell my brain and body need a little calming down. Its been on the crazy cycle for oh weeks now! YIKES! Yes, stress can really take a toll on ones health and deplete you of important key MINERALS.

You know what else it can do? It can cause that oxidative stress to rise and if we are under chronic stress , the physical and mental kind, then our immune system is going to have a hard time responding. It will try to react and recover but doesnt have the necessary nutrients in order to do so. Hey, its pretty tired of trying to fight, ya know? Hence the continuous inflammation of the body and brain. Sad, but true.

On the other hand, a little stress and a little inflammation can be good for the body. If you are healthy, managing stress, and moving the body daily, then your body will easily recover from that acute stress and build it up stronger.

Unfortunately, for many of us, we get stuck in the chronic stress cycle. Am I right? Raising hand! Which is why I thought it was about time we make another anti-inflammatory meal plan. Our first anti-inflammatory meal plan focused on grain-free and gluten-free recipes. This plan focuses on gluten-free and dairy-free.

Your Energy Levels Will Spike

Digestion requires a lot of energy, and it takes even more of a toll when your body is trying to process something it can’t. After going gluten-free, you’ll be putting less of a strain on your gut, and there’s a good chance your energy levels will benefit. Put the burst to good use: Here are our favorite gluten-free recipes.

May Relieve Digestive Symptoms

Most people try a gluten-free diet to treat digestive problems.

These include bloating, diarrhea or constipation, gas, fatigue and many other symptoms.

Studies have shown that following a gluten-free diet can help ease digestive symptoms for people with celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity (

Focus on eating plenty of whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, veggies and lean proteins.


A gluten-free diet can provide many health benefits, especially for those with celiac disease. It may help ease digestive symptoms, reduce chronic inflammation, boost energy and promote weight loss.

Despite having a variety of health benefits, a gluten-free diet can have some downsides.

Here are a few negative effects of a gluten-free diet:

Recommended Reading: Gf Substitute For Bread Crumbs

Can You Go Gluten

People who adopt a gluten-free diet often lose weight, but its usually because they also cut out a lot of processed foods and refined carbohydrates that contain gluten. If you stop eating gluten to lose weight, its important to watch your portion sizes, get regular exercise and eat plenty of whole foods such as fruits, vegetables and lean proteins.

How Do I Start The Gf/cf Diet

Living Paleo For Dummies by Melissa Joulwan, http://www ...

Start the diet slowly. Don’t try to take out all gluten- and casein-containing foods at once. Add new gluten-free and casein-free foods gradually, about one food every 3 to 7 days. If a new food causes a problem, you will know which one it was. It may take 3 months to become fully gluten- and casein-free.

Buy small amounts of the new foods. Buy them in bulk only when you know your child likes them.

Read all food labels. Gluten and casein are found in many forms and go by many different names.

Keep a food and behavior journal. Write down what your child eats and any behavior changes that occur. If there is a connection between certain foods and behaviors, keeping a journal will help identify it.

Because calcium and vitamin D are limited on this diet, encourage other calcium-rich beverages, such as:

  • calcium-fortified orange juice.

Also Check: Is Kraft Zesty Italian Dressing Gluten Free

Benefits Of The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet may:

  • Ease rheumatoid arthritis. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants that prevent inflammation .
  • Prevent cardiovascular diseases. The diet is low in foods containing saturated fat, limiting which is said to benefit your heart . Similarly, this healthy eating pattern may help lower your blood pressure and cholesterol level .
  • Prevent type 2 diabetes. One scientific review suggests that the Mediterranean diet reduces risk of type 2 diabetes and improves long-term blood sugar control, but further research is required in this regard .
  • Help you lose weight. Many of the foods on the Mediterranean diet are relatively low in calories, which is why consuming them can help you shed some pounds.

How To Substitute Gluten Wisely

Products high in gluten are not harmful to most people and have a number of nutrients essential for your body. For example, whole wheat is a valuable source of dietary fiber, which facilitates digestion, decreases cholesterol levels, and regulates blood sugar . You cannot just remove fiber from your meal plan because it is necessary for your body. Hence, you can substitute wheat with quinoa and brown rice, which are naturally gluten-free .

When choosing bread, you should consider that breads made of gluten free flours might be deficient in certain nutrients and vitamins. This can affect your wellbeing, especially if you are a pregnant woman. Fortified breads contain folic acid, which prevents birth effects. The solution is to add gluten free multivitamin-multimineral supplements, which will help you avoid B vitamin and other deficiencies .

Cross-contamination is another thing you should pay attention to if you want to go gluten free. Therefore, before buying a product, you should learn about its source. It can happen that even the items inherently gluten-free could have been grown together with gluten crops, or processed on the same equipment, resulting in cross-contamination. This is particularly common with oats. The FDA has specific requirements as far as what food products can be labeled gluten-free . Consequently, you should always carefully check the labeling and origin of the foods you buy, and choose brands you trust.

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Risk Of A Nutritional Deficiency

People who have celiac disease are at risk of several nutritional deficiencies.

These include deficiencies in fiber, iron, calcium, vitamin B12, folate, zinc, vitamins A, D, E and K and more (

30 ).

If you experience constipation on a gluten-free diet, aim to eat more fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, such as broccoli, beans, lentils, Brussels sprouts and berries.

People With Celiac Disease

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Gluten is also what people with celiac disease cant digest. In fact, a person with celiac disease needs to steer clear of gluten altogether. About 1 in 133 people have celiac disease. Its a serious autoimmune condition. Only a blood test can determine whether or not someone has this disease. Weight loss, bone loss, hair loss, iron deficiency and cavities are a few signs, to name a few, of celiac disease.

Many people go undiagnosed. If you suspect you may have celiac disease, see a doctor. The inability to digest food can lead to much greater problems than just a stomach ache.

Also Check: Trader Joe’s Gluten Free Pasta

A Simple Gluten Free Diet Plan For Beginners

It seems like every other person you bump into is on some sort of a gluten free diet. Nearly everything that once existed with gluten can now be created without it. The thing is, sometimes eating gluten free is no healthier than eating foods with gluten. This gluten free diet plan and primer on all things gluten will help you out!

Here’s what I hope you take away from this information:

  • A basic understanding of what gluten is
  • Who should avoid gluten
  • Foods that contain gluten / foods that don’t contain gluten
  • A gluten free meal plan you can start right now

The Reason That This Anti

In order to help COMBAT that chronic inflammation, we need to first make some MAJOR lifestyle changes . Oops, Im failing at that.

We also need to MAXIMIZE certain nutrients in our diet, such as omega 3 rich foods , anti-oxidants, minerals, Vitamin D, probiotics, water, and so on and so on. Temporarily removing a dairy, and maybe even certain types of grains can help absorb your body absorb more nutrients and therefore reduce stress on the body. Does that make sense?

I know, youre probably now wondering but why a dairy-free Anti-inflammatory meal plan? Doesnt cultured dairy do wonder for the gut? YES, it SURE does! Grass-fed dairy thats rich in probiotics, like kefir, and yogurt, and even REAL butter, can be healthy and nourishing. Plus they are SOOOO tasty!

But heres the thing, if you are under that chronic inflammation and stress, then you might also be experiencing digest issues and food intolerances. Any food can be inflammatory if your body comes to see it as an invader under chronic inflammation. Which may include dairy, casein, and lactose included! Hopefully, its a temporary intolerance, but you never know. Which is why I suggest trying out a low FODMAP meal plan first.

No no, dont be worried, we can get this all worked out. Yes, we are going nourish the body and reduce stress.

Test, rest, reset! YES!!

Read Also: Is Kraft Zesty Italian Dressing Gluten Free

How To Begin A Ketogenic Diet The Right Way

A ketogenic diet regimen is an extremely high-fat, adequate-protein, as well as low-carbohydrate diet plan which places the body into a metabolic state called ketosis. It is a very reliable method to lose weight and boost health and wellness.

The proper way to begin a keto diet:

1) Put yourself in ketosis by adhering to an intermittent fasting program of 16 hrs or even more each day.

2) Eat more fat than you usually do and also restrict your carb consumption to 20 grams or much less each day, ensuring they are from healthy resources like nuts, seeds, oils as well as avocado. Gluten Free Diet Plan For Dummies

3) Get lots of rest every evening for a minimum of 8 hrs

4) Consume lots of water

5) Workout frequently

How Can I Tell If A Food Is Glutenfree


A product labeled gluten-free, no gluten or without gluten is the fastest and easiest way to spot a gluten-free product. Manufactures can use these terms if they comply with the FDA rule of gluten-free. However, the FDA is unable to check every single label and sometimes mistakes are made so check the ingredient list as well if there is a gluten-free claim on the label.

Another way to tell if a product contains gluten is to read the allergen statement on packaged foods. The FDA food allergen labeling law requires food companies to label all foods that have wheat or contain wheat products. The allergen statement is found at the end of the ingredient list on packaged foods if it says contains wheat, this means it has gluten and its unsafe.

The food labeling law does NOT apply to barley, rye, or oats. This means if the allergen statement does not include wheat, you need to continue reading through the ingredient list for the other sources of gluten described above. If you dont see any of those words in the ingredient list, then the food is most likely a safe food.

In the sample ingredient label below, the ingredients are circled in red and the allergen statement is circled in blue. This food, which contains whole grain wheat, is not safe.

There is also a symbol that may appear on packaging of gluten free

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The Beginners Guide To Going Gluten Free

If you or someone you know has cut out gluten, it can mean a total diet revamp. This can seem a bit overwhelming at first. However, were here to help! Read our full guide to going gluten free below.

As awareness of celiac disease becomes increasingly widespread, the popularity of the gluten free diet continues to grow. Unlike many modern diets, the gluten free diet is more than just a fad for people with celiac disease and wheat allergies or sensitivities, its a medical necessity.

Even a decade ago, the gluten free diet was largely a mystery except to people with celiac disease, who followed it as a matter of medical necessity. Today, however, going gluten free has become something of a trend. Some people mistakenly believe that a gluten free diet is the key to weight loss, though many who follow the diet for this reason have very little knowledge about the diet or about gluten at all.

While there are certainly those who misunderstand the gluten free diet, its rise in popularity has led to a surge in awareness among the general public and the food industry regarding celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, and the gluten free diet in general. Restaurants have started to offer gluten free menus and gluten free food manufacturers are growing more and more numerous.

If you are thinking about making the switch to the gluten free diet or looking for some helpful tips, let this be your guide.

Step : Carefully Read Food Labels

An important part of successfully following a gluten-free diet is reading packaged food labels carefully. This includes gluten-free claims on packages, as well as product ingredient lists. Since ingredients can change at any time, its important to read labels every time you shop.

Look for a GFCO gluten-free Certification Mark

A product that carries a third-party gluten-free certification, such as Gluten-Free Certification Organization s mark, is considered safe for gluten-free consumers. If a product is certified gluten-free, you can stop at this step.

Look for items labeled gluten-free

If a product is not certified gluten-free but bears a gluten-free claim and is regulated by the FDA, * it is considered safe to consume. The FDA gluten-free labeling regulation also applies to products labeled no gluten, free of gluten, or without gluten.

Check the list of ingredients

For products that are neither certified nor labeled gluten-free, it is essential to read the ingredient list. If any of the following are present on the ingredient list, the product is not gluten-free:

  • Wheat **
  • Rye
  • Oats unless the oats or oat-containing products are certified gluten-free
  • Malt
  • Brewers yeast

Read our article 3 Tips for Gluten-Free Label Reading.

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What Foods Are Naturally Gluten Free

  • All grains that are not the gluten-containing grains mentioned above are naturally gluten free. These include:
  • corn
  • teff
  • wild rice
  • oats. A note about oats: They are not a gluten-containing grain. However, they are typically grown on shared fields with wheat and other gluten-containing grains, and stored and processed in shared facilities with gluten-containing grains. Oats that are grown on dedicated fields and stored in dedicated gluten-free silos will be labeled Certified Gluten Free in the United States. Some celiacs are also sensitive to oats, but they are not a gluten-containing grain when in their pure form. Please see Are Oats Gluten Free? for a more thorough discussion.
  • All flours made from anything other than the gluten-containing grains are naturally gluten free. These include:
  • almond flour
  • invert sugars such as Lyles golden syrup
  • brown rice syrup
  • all vinegars except malt vinegar
  • vegetable oils
  • olive oils
  • coconut oil
  • pure dairy, such as milk, butter, cheese, plain yogurt, sour cream
  • eggs
  • dried beans
  • plain canned vegetables and fruits
  • frozen and raw fruits and vegetables
  • meat, chicken, pork, and seafood
  • Alcohols:
  • Rum, tequila, potato vodka, wine and most hard apple ciders are gluten free.
  • Flavored wines may not be gluten free. The hard root beers I have seen recently are not gluten free, as they are made with conventional beer .
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