Best Gluten Free Wines You Have To Try
Wine is usually gluten-free wines, but that only means that its gluten content is below the FDA approved the amount. Which means less than 20 parts per million. This number is quite low, so many people with gluten intolerance can view it as gluten-free.
Unfortunately, though, those with celiac disease can be too sensitive to this chemical. So even if a certain food or drink is labelled as gluten-free, it might not be fit for them. Which is why some manufacturers make things specifically without gluten.
In our case, wine.
Are Any Wine Coolers Gluten
Initially, wine coolers are made from gluten-free ingredients such as wine, sugar, fruit juice, and carbonated beverages. However, they are reformulated to contain malt. Malt is created from barley, which is a grain that contains gluten.
Thats why people on a gluten-free diet should avoid these malt beverages or malt coolers. Examples of brands that have gluten in their wine coolers are:
- Boones Farm
The only examples of brands that have gluten free wine coolers are:
- Bartle & Jaymes – All drinks except their malt beverages.
- Boones – All drinks except their malt beverages.
Since alcoholic beverages do not contain an ingredient list, its better to avoid bottled wine coolers because they might have gluten in them. A great alternative to wine coolers is hard cider. You can also make your gluten free wine cooler.
Industry Regulations For Gluten Free Wine
The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau regulates most wines in the US. However, wine varieties that have less than 7% alcohol are controlled by the FDA.
Gluten free wine labeling is only allowed by the TTB if the ingredients used do not have gluten. This also applies if the winemaker took proper precautions to avoid cross-contamination during winemaking. The FDA stated that the maximum amount of gluten allowed in wine to be still called gluten free wine is 20 ppm.
Studies conducted on wine after fining have gluten concentrations less than 20 ppm, so it still passed the criteria. This is also true for wines tested from oak barrels that were mentioned earlier. On the other hand, the Gluten-Free Certification Organization is more strict because it only allows the gluten free wine label if the concentration does not exceed 10 ppm.
Here is a video that talks about all the types of alcohol that are gluten free:
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Are There Wine Options For Those Who Cant Have Gluten
Of course, there are!
There are several companies that dedicated decades to perfecting gluten-free wines. They taste the same as regular wine and they work for even the most gluten-sensitive people.
So if you thought that you had to leave your favorite drink behind then dont worry. You dont. You just need to switch brands.
The best part is that you wont have limited choices just because you cant consume gluten. Manufacturers want you to have just as much variety as anyone else, so they make all kinds of wine. Not just basic ones.
If you have a serious condition, like celiac disease, then everything you eat should be double-checked. This also goes for wine, as you now know what the risks are. There are too many occasions where gluten can contaminate the wine. Although, normally you shouldnt be worried. Just make sure you stay safe and bottoms up!
Did this post help you understand the relationship between wine and gluten? Tell us down in the comments below!
Gluten In Coloring Or Flavoring For Wine
While most bottled wine may be free of wheat-based additives, those who enjoy wine coolers spritzers, dealcoholized wine or malt beverages, gluten could be hiding there as well. One thing for consumers to watch for is any wine or wine product that contains added colors or flavors, or that is made from barley malt, such as bottled wine coolers, says Marilyn Geller, CEO of the nonprofit Celiac Disease Foundation.
In their final ruling, the FDA lists ingredients derived from wheat, including barley malt in their list of potential gluten-contamination:
Food and ingredient manufacturers should be aware that malt extract and other similar malt-derived ingredients are ingredients derived from gluten-containing grains that have not been processed to remove gluten and, therefore, cannot be used in foods that bear gluten-free labeling.
Cooking wines and Wine coolers can be sweetened with any type of sugar, some of which are derived from grains, explains Keith Wallace, founder of the Wine School of Philadelphia. For that reason, they can have trace amounts of gluten. Same goes for flavored wines, which may include coloring or flavoring agents that contain gluten. Look for canned organic wines with no added flavors or colors.
None of our wineries produce any wine-based products considered malt beverages, so the possibility of any contamination is extremely low.
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Q: How Can I Be Sure That A Wine Is Gluten
A: The only way to be sure a wine is gluten-free is to look for the words gluten-free or a gluten-free certification mark on the label. Most wine companies have not yet sought out third-party gluten-free certification. You will probably see more wines with gluten-free on the labels in 2021 since the TTB changed their rulings in late 2020. We anticipate that wine companies will seek out third-party gluten-free certification to build consumer trust.
When looking at the five stages of winemaking and the online conversations about gluten in wine, the focus seems to be on three main areas:
1) gluten used in fining
2) gluten in wheat paste to seal oak barrels
3) potential crosscontact in fields or shared equipment
Remember, wine is considered safe to include in a gluten-free diet by most people in the gluten-free community. The only way to know for sure if a wine is totally glutenfree is through a third-party certification or a gluten-free statement on the wine label as allowed by the TTB. Most wines should be safe to drink if you have celiac disease. If you are concerned about trace amounts of gluten, contact the winemaker to learn more about their practices.
How Much Gluten Is In Wine
Given that wheat is commonly used during the winemaking process, how much residual gluten remains?
With regard to the amount of gluten in wine aged in barrels sealed with wheat paste, only one tiny study provides any information.
In 2012, tested the gluten levels of two different wines finished in barrels sealed with wheat paste. The finished wines contained less than 5 and 10 ppm gluten, respectively. These levels are well within the FDAs 20 ppm standard for gluten-free foods.
Many wineries are aware of the potential for gluten cross-contamination, so they thoroughly steam-clean or pressure wash their wheat-sealed barrels before use.
Theoretically, this reduces reduce the possibility of any bits of wheat getting into the wine. So far, the limited data appears to support this practice.
For wineries that use micronized wheat as the fining agent before bottling, studies have also shown that residual gluten levels are below the 20 ppm threshold required for gluten-free status.
According to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, most wines in the United States comply with the FDAs gluten-free regulations.
The operative word here is most.
What if the wine you choose isnt gluten-free?
How would you know until youve had some and perhaps experienced a negative reaction?
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How Can Gluten Get Into Wine During Ageing
Wine could be contaminated if the winemaking team uses flour-based paste to seal barrels, said Michael Apstein, MD, assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a freelance wine writer.
This has now become very uncommon, because most producers use paraffin wax to seal the barrels, he said.
What Alcohol Can Be Included On A Gluten Free Diet
Cider, wine, sherry, spirits, port and liqueurs are gluten free.
Even when a cereal that contains gluten is used as an ingredient, all spirits are distilled during the manufacturing process and this process removes any trace of gluten. Therefore, all spirit drinks are safe for people with coeliac disease.
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Naturally Gluten Free Beers
So many new options are available to those of us eating and drinking gluten-free, and thats something to celebrate!
Prefer ales? Maybe a true lager? Greens Beers are made in the true Belgian style and simply cant be beat. Greens has a varied line of gluten free beers available in Europe and luckily has decided to share a few with us in the U.S.!
Blonde, Amber and Dubbel Dark Ales plus their Dry-Hopped Lager any and all are perfect for a hot day. I love baking with the Dark their Blonde and Amber are wonderful, full-bodied and easy drinking ales, and their lager is a refreshing, light beer boasting a Pinot Grigio-like grapefruit note, making it quite a unique brew.
Redbridge, Bards Tale and New Grist round out the easy drinking and geographically accessible gluten-free beers to consider.
Of these, I particularly enjoy New Grist, as you can see from the photo below.
Holidaily Brewing Company Using locally sourced malted, naturally gluten free grains, and brewing in Colorados only dedicated gluten-free brewing facility, Holidaily raises the bar on truly gluten free beer.
This woman-owned company began as a way to bring great GF brews to those, like its founder Karen Hertz, must live an entirely gluten free lifestyle. Offering a selection of blondes, IPAs and stouts, theres something for every beer lover with Holidaily.
Ghostfish Brewing is one of the new naturally gluten free breweries Im most enthusiastic about.
Is Wine Gluten Free: Gluten In Wine
Beer, whiskey, and other alcohols are made from grain, which means they contain gluten. Wine, however, comes from grapes, a fruit which contains none of the gluten proteins found in grain. The average bottle of grape juice contains no gluten, so theres no reason a bottle of wine should either, right?
Well, thats not quite correct
You see, there are a few situations where winemakers will add ingredients into the wine that may contain traces of gluten. For example:
- Sealant
A special sealant is used in the oak barrels in order to prepare them for aging. This sealant helps to reduce the risk of leaks. However, it may contain traces of gluten, thanks to the fact that its a sort of paste made from flour.
Thankfully, this practice is VERY uncommon most barrels are now sealed with paraffin wax.
- Fining
To fine wine means to clarify and stabilise it, eliminating any particles from floating in the liquid. Some rarely used fining agents do contain gluten, which may mean that your wine is exposed to the protein. However, egg proteins, isinglass or bentonite are the most commonly used fining agents, so its highly unlikely that there is gluten in your wine.
If you are concerned about which wines are suitable for vegetarians and vegans, we do mark with V and VG symbols within our Wine List and on our website.
Both of these methods do expose your wine to contact with gluten, but the truth is that the amount of gluten in your wine is so small as to be almost negligible.
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Possible Wine Aging & Storage Gluten Contamination
During aging and storage, wine is held in different containers such as oak casks or barrels and stainless steel tanks. Oak barrels are sealed at their top using wheat paste, making it a possible source of gluten contamination. But this is highly unlikely.
The Gluten Free Watchdog Agency conducted a study on two wines aged in oak barrels sealed with wheat paste. They found out that the gluten concentrations from the two wines were less than 10 ppm, which does not exceed the standard set by FDA.
An alternative to wheat paste that wineries may use is paraffin wax. You may also ask the winery about their aging and storage conditions.
Based On Fda Standards Many Red Wines Are Categorized As Gluten
Most red wines are classified as gluten-free because they meet the FDAs gluten-free labeling standards. However, it doesnt mean that red wines are entirely gluten-free.
While grapes are naturally gluten-free, wine-making and bottling processes may introduce trace amounts of gluten into wine. According to the FDA, provided there is less than 20 parts per million of gluten in the wine, the label can say gluten-free.
If you lead a gluten-free lifestyle due to celiac disease, gluten intolerance, or dietary necessity, youre probably curious about glutens in red wines. Heres a quick overview of everything you need to know.
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Strategies To Avoid Gluten Contaminated Wine
If you are gluten-free and concerned about the potential use of wheat during winemaking, I would recommend three strategies.
First of all, skip the wine coolers and any other types of wine with added color or flavoring as those are potentially made from barley malt.
Second, check wine labels very carefully! If you are ordering in a restaurant, ask to see the bottle before ordering a glass. You can do a quick look-up of winery practices on your phone if necessary.
Before you buy a bottle of wine, do some research.
What types of barrels do they use?
Some use stainless steel tanks instead of barrels. While this eliminates the risk of gluten contamination, it introduces the chance of heavy metal leaching since wine is an acidic liquid . Furthermore, the wine remains in contact with the stainless steel for a very long time, giving ample opportunity for nickel contamination to occur.
Your best bet is to find a winemaker who uses traditional oak barrels sealed with a gluten-free wax substitute instead of wheat paste.
Third, patronize wineries that use a gluten-free fining agent such as food-grade bentonite clay or egg albumin. For reds, some winemakers use gentler methods for clarifying such as aeration.
Is Wine Gluten Free Heres How To Be Sure
Remember, there are only two ways for your wine to be exposed to gluten . If you want to be 100% sure your wine is gluten-free, buy young wines that have not spent any time ageing in a barrel.
Look for inexpensive wines, usually under £10 per bottle. Ageing in oak barrels is a pricey process, and will raise the cost of any wine. Cheaper wines have often not been oak aged, and thus havent been exposed to any sealants in the barrels.
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