The Best Gluten Free Side Effect
The best site effect that will be visible is the gluten free dieter will begin to experience better health. They will be eating better, start to gain weight, have regular bowel movements and not get tired or exhausted as before. This is what the total gluten free diet is supposed to do.
The 14 Most Common Signs Of Gluten Intolerance
Gluten intolerance is a fairly common problem.
It is characterized by adverse reactions to gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye.
Celiac disease is the most severe form of gluten intolerance.
It is an autoimmune disease that affects about 1% of the population and may lead to damage in the digestive system .
However, 0.513% of people may also have non-celiac gluten sensitivity, a milder form of gluten intolerance that can still cause problems .
Both forms of gluten intolerance can cause widespread symptoms, many of which have nothing to do with digestion.
Here are the 14 main signs and symptoms of gluten intolerance.
Depression affects about 6% of adults each year. The symptoms can be very disabling and involve feelings of hopelessness and sadness .
People with digestive issues seem to be more prone to both anxiety and depression, compared to healthy individuals .
This is especially common among people who have celiac disease .
There are a few theories about how gluten intolerance can drive depression. These include :
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The Four Primary Causes Of Serious Complications
Im sure you want to get to the seven consequences, but let me briefly outline the four main ways these problems develop.
First, celiac disease does significant damage to your small intestine, flattening the villi and inflaming the mucosa. This causes malabsorption of every kind of nutrient, which in turn causes malnutrition. Malnutrition leads to all kinds of different ailments, including too many for me to list in this lesson.
Second, the inflammation process triggers the production of proteins called pro-inflammatory cytokines, which may trigger inflammation in other parts of your body. This can occur anytime you have inflammation anywhere in your body, but long-term, untreated celiac disease causes long-term, severe inflammation in your gut, which means an high amount of pro-inflammatory cytokines begin to course through your veins, triggering additional inflammation throughout your body.
Third, as celiac disease damages your intestine, you develop more and more of a permeable intestine, also referred to as leaky gut. This means all kinds of toxins, peptides and antibodies meant to stay in your intestine cross the wall of your intestine and reach your bloodstream.
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The Negative Side Effects
As with any diet, it’s essential to understand the possible negative side effects of a gluten-free diet. Since the diet’s made for those with intolerances or sensitivities, there may be a better diet for you if you don’t have either of these ailments. If you have an intolerance or sensitivity, though, understanding the adverse side effects can help you prepare.
A March 2014 study in âPlant Foods for Human Nutritionâ found a lack of nutrients in some gluten-free substitutes. That’s because some gluten-free products have different nutritional values than what they’re replacing. So if you’re recreating your diet using gluten-free substitutes, you may not be getting the same nutrients you’re used to. And, if you’re not careful, you may end up with a deficiency, so pay attention to the caloric, macronutrient, vitamin and mineral content.
A study in âClinical Nutrition‘sâ December 2016 issue listed the following deficiencies that too much “gluten-free” products can cause:
- Fiber
- Magnesium
Gluten Sensitivity Without Knowing
Celiac disease and wheat allergy are quite unusual. While the symptoms of celiac disease are quite clear, the ones for gluten sensitivity are more blurry. Therefore, they can affect many people who are not aware that they have this problem, since their symptoms are similar to the ones from other diseases.
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Side Effects Of Giving Up Gluten According To Science
May is Celiac Awareness Month, so we wanted to showcase some of the side effectsboth favorable and unfavorablethat may occur when you give up gluten.
If someone has a gluten intolerance, that means they have adverse reactions to the main protein found in wheat, rye, and barley . While a sensitivity or mild intolerance affects many people, the worst case of gluten intolerance is celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that impacts about 1% of the population. If left unaddressed, celiac disease could potentially damage the digestive system.
While some people are diagnosed with gluten intolerance or celiac disease during childhood, others may not know they have it until much later in life. If you think gluten is negatively affecting you, be sure to see your primary care physician or visit a gastroenterologist for testing. Read on four possible side effects of giving up gluten, then stick around for The 7 Healthiest Foods to Eat Right Now.
How Is Celiac Disease Treated
Celiac disease is treated by not eating gluten. This can be hard because gluten is in many foods, but a dietitian can help adjust someone’s diet to cut out gluten. It is important not to start a gluten-free diet unless you are truly diagnosed with celiac disease.
Following a gluten-free diet allows the small intestine to heal. But that doesn’t mean the person can start eating gluten again. For someone with celiac disease, gluten will always irritate the intestines and, if this happens, the diarrhea, belly pain, and other problems will return.
If you’re diagnosed with celiac disease, it can be a challenge to learn which foods contain gluten. You may not be able to remember them all, but you can keep a list with you and ask about menu items at restaurants before digging in. Before you know it, you’ll be a pro at knowing which foods are safe and which are not.
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What Is The Difference Between Celiac And Gluten Intolerance
Celiac disease and gluten intolerance are not the same things, although they do share very similar symptoms. Serious stomach aches, bloating and diarrhoea are some of the most common signs of both.
Celiac is an autoimmune disease. In humans, this is when the bodys immune system attacks its own healthy tissue. The body’s immune system attacks substances found inside gluten as a threat to the body and destroys them, leaving behind damage to the small intestine.
This inflammation can compromise the absorption of nutrients from food into the bloodstream, leading to anaemia and an increased risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. in which the protein element of a carbohydrate.
Hormonal Imbalance And Adrenal Fatigue
Hormone imbalance can manifest itself as irregular menstrual cycles, weight gain or loss, hot flashes, low energy levels, erratic sleep patterns and more. In discussing gluten sensitivity and female hormones, Dr. Daniel Kalish D.C states that a strong relationship has been established in medical literature between gluten sensitivity and the hormones progesterone and estrogen. Additionally, most of my patients with gluten sensitivity have an adrenal hormone imbalance, and this becomes exacerbated for patients during menopause
Dr. Kalish notes that hes observed serious problems often begin to reveal themselves when women with gluten sensitivity reach peri-menopause. As their ovarian output of sex hormones drops, the resulting hormone imbalance is worsened by over consumption of gluten. The adrenal glands respond to the stress of unstable blood sugar and gastrointestinal tract inflammation caused by gluten by increasing cortisol. This causes increased body fat, fatigue and unstable moods.
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How Is Gluten Intolerance Treated
Theres no cure for gluten intolerance. But most people find relief from symptoms by following a gluten-free diet. You should work with your healthcare provider and a dietitian to plan your diet.
You can also ask your healthcare provider about adding probiotics to your diet. Probiotics help increase the good bacteria in your gut. They may reduce symptoms of bloating, gas or constipation.
Some research suggests that taking certain enzymes may help you digest gluten. But experts are still investigating this treatment. Talk to your healthcare provider before taking any enzymes.
You Could Reduce Your Intake Of Key Vitamins And Minerals
If you’re gluten-sensitive or intolerant, it’s likely that you were still able to absorb key nutrients from foods, unlike those who didn’t know they had celiac disease and continued to eat gluten-containing foods. When switching to a gluten-free diet, it’s possible that you could miss out on B vitamins, iron, and other micronutrients found in wheat-based products. A gluten-free cereal, such as one of Nature’s Path Cereals, is fortified with key nutrients.
An even better idea? Up your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, and legumes that are naturally rich in B vitamins. Examples include avocado, chickpeas, salmon, and spinach.
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Research Into Non Coeliac Gluten Sensitivity
Non coeliac gluten sensitivity is a condition that is being recognised as a problem in many countries across the world. This is a new area and we need more research to understand the condition and who is at risk. There are no specific diagnostic tests for non coeliac gluten sensitivity.
Some researchers define non coeliac gluten sensitivity as an improvement in symptoms when following a gluten free diet. However, it is difficult to rule out the possibility of a placebo effect.
There is also some debate around whether gluten is the cause of the sensitivity or if other components are to blame. These components are also removed from the diet when gluten containing ingredients are removed, for example Fermentable Oligo- Di- Mono-saccharides and Polyols and other non gluten proteins found in wheat.
There Are Many Symptoms Of Gluten Intolerance And Celiac Disease
Most people wonder if they have celiac disease or a gluten intolerance because of gastrointestinal symptoms like gassiness, diarrhea, constipation or excessive bloating. But other symptoms might not be so obvious. And while gluten intolerance and celiac disease are different, many of the symptoms can be similar. Here are some signs of celiac disease and gluten intolerance you might not be aware of.
- Digestive issues
- Tingling or numbness in hands and/or feet
- Bone and joint pain
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Are You Taking Estrogen
If you are currently taking prescription estrogen you should be aware of the nutritional side effects. Ask you doctor to test your nutritional levels while on this type of medication and supplement accordingly. I recommend using Spectracell labs as they perform an advanced nutritional evaluation of more than 30 vitamins and minerals. If you need a source of TRUE gluten free supplements, click here or visit the links below:
Revert To Whole Foods
Now is not the time to try a new type of “gluten-free” product or to challenge your digestive tract with something radical. The best way to enjoy a speedy recovery is to revert to eating a whole-foods diet that’s made up of foods that you know don’t bother you.
Many people do well on a modified “BRAT” diet. BRAT stands for bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. Of course, you would need to substitute in gluten-free toast, and skip the butter if you can’t have dairy.
If you don’t eat grains, the BRAT diet won’t work for you. However, it’s likely you can find something else that’s easily digested to eat, such as a plain omelet or some chicken soup with vegetables.
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Infertility Miscarriage And Congenital Malformation
Multiple studies suggest that between 4% and 8% of women with unexplained infertility suffer from celiac disease. A recent study published in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine found that about 6% of women with unexplained infertility had celiac disease, with most of those women having undiagnosed and untreated celiac disease.
Preliminary research on celiac disease and reproductive health suggests a relationship between untreated celiac disease, recurrent pregnancy loss and poor obstetric outcome, but more comprehensive research still needs to be conducted and verified.
Theres no doubt untreated celiac disease in a pregnant woman can affect newborn health. A broad range of causes influence this outcome, not least of which is malnutrition caused by a damaged small intestine. Folic acid is one of the most common supplements prescribed during pregnancy, and unfortunately a folate deficiency is a common problem for people with undiagnosed celiac disease.
Tips That Will Help You Feel Better Faster
If you have celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, then you’ve probably experienced at least one “glutening” in your life, when you’ve accidentally ingested gluten and experienced symptoms as a result. Those symptoms may start quickly or may not manifest themselves until several days afterward.
It doesn’t take much gluten. Even a tiny amount that’s smaller than the eye can see can be a trigger that causes a variety of bodily reactions.
Symptoms of glutening may be digestive, neurological, and/or skin-based. These glutening symptoms can take up to several weeks to disappear.
If you do experience a glutening, what can you do to feel better? Follow these five tips.
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Natural Treatment For Symptoms
1. Try an Elimination Diet
Doctors are sometimes hesitant to attribute a patients symptoms to gluten intolerance when they can be caused by other disorders, so sometimes the patient needs to take matters into her own hands. Following an elimination diet is really the best way to test your own personal reaction to gluten. The results of an elimination diet help pinpoint which of your symptoms can be attributed to gluten and let you know whether or not its time to go gluten-free.
An elimination diet involves removing gluten from the diet completely for a period of at least 30 days and then adding it back in. If symptoms improve during the elimination period and then reappear once gluten is eaten again, thats a clear sign that gluten was contributing to the symptoms. However, its very important to test only one variable at a time and not several because this can cause you to falsely attribute symptoms.
Because FODMAPs may cause gluten intolerance-like symptoms, you may want to try an elimination diet that involves eliminating high-FODMAP foods from your diet. This may be particularly beneficial if a traditional elimination diet reveals you are not actually sensitive to wheat products.
In addition, you can consume digestive enzymes for gluten intolerance, such as those found in papaya. In fact, researchers from Japan administered a digestive enzyme mixture to patients with non-celiac gluten sensitivity. They concluded:
2. Follow a Gluten-Free Diet
- Brown rice
- Chickpea flour