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Is Gluten Bad For Diabetics

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What’re The Differences Between Wheat And Gluten

Dr. Tom explains if Type 2 Diabetics Should Eat Gluten-Free!

Gluten is a protein found in wheat as well as rye and barley. Wheat-free doesnt necessarily mean gluten-free. Commercially-brewed beer is a good example because it is often made from barley. However, barley may be present, or hidden, in foods because it used as a sweetener or malt flavoring, so an oat cookieoats do not contain glutenthat have barley malt would be wheat-free but not gluten-free. Spelt, a form of wheat that is considered to have less gluten than wheat but isnt completely gluten-free.

Most of our flour, specifically wheat flour, has been milled, processed and bleached to remove any valued nutrients most especially dietary fiber. And then its used as the base for prepared goods like cookies, cake, brownies, and candy. What else do all of these baked goods have in common: sugar, another reason to avoid wheat-based foods and those containing gluten.

The question becomes one of physical response: do you need to avoid gluten or are you just better off avoiding wheat and flour-based foods to improve your overall diet, benefit from easier weight loss, and establish a much healthier way of eating. This is particularly relevant if you have diabetes , seek cardiovascular health, have polycystic ovary syndrome , or thyroid disease.

Can Gluten Cause High Blood Sugar

This is a topic that is very rarely approached in conventional circles. Most nutritionists and doctors will tell you to make sure to eat plenty of grains if you have a blood sugar problem. Unfortunately, this advice can exacerbate blood sugar issues.

When it comes to diabetes and blood sugar problems , the advice we often times here from doctors is way off. One of the reasons for this has to do with the poor level of nutritional education taught in medical schools. You see, when it comes to blood sugar, nothing is more important to understand than

Developing A Meal Plan

When you require a gluten-free eating lifestyle and you have diabetes too, it’s important to work with a dietitian to develop a meal plan for your unique needs. Dietitians can help you identify the foods and drinks that are safe to include in your eating plan.

When you go shopping, eat out, or cook at home, you’ll have the tools you need to stay healthy. The right meal plan, especially one that provides enough fiber through vegetables, allows you to receive the nutrients you need.

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Low Carb Breads At Local Stores

These can be harder to find, but since low carb is becoming more popular, if you look around there are more options available.

For instance, in the US and Canada, Walmart sells ThinSlim Foods Love-the-Taste Low Carb Bread Plain, 2pack and Josephs Bakery Mini Pita Bread, both of which are 7 grams carbs per slice/bread.

In the UK, Tescon sells Hovis Lower Carb Seeded Bread, which is around 9 grams carbs per slice a little bit lower than regular bread.

In Australia, Aldi sells an 85% lower carb bread, which is just 5 grams per slice.

There Is No Documented Connection Between Celiac Disease And Type 2 Diabetes

Is Whole Wheat Bread Good For Diabetes?

Although type 2 diabetes has genetic risk factors, it doesnât share associated genes with celiac disease.

Overweight issues are a factor in both diseases. In one study published in 2006 in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, researchers found 39 percent and 13 percent of celiac patients to be overweight and obese respectively.

Being overweight or obese, puts the patient at a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A gluten-free diet typically has low levels of fiber, which may explain the weight gain. Besides, most baked or processed gluten-free items have higher calorie and fat content than gluten-containing foods.

Also Check: Substitute For Gluten Free Bread Crumbs

Type 2 Diabetes And Gluten

Since type 2 diabetes is not an autoimmune disease, it has absolutely no links with celiac disease. There have been no studies that show that gluten free diets help prevent the development of type 2 diabetes or manage it.4 Because of this, there are no recommendations to avoid gluten if you have type 2 diabetes.

Livekuna Premium Organic Quinoa Flour

LiveKuna quinoa flour is a gluten-free, organic whole grain alternative that can be used in baking and cooking. Full of fiber and protein, LiveKuna Quinoa Flour contains none of the allergens commonly found in cereal grains like wheat or rye and manages to retain all 22 amino acids!

It’s perfect for people with celiac disease, diabetics, and vegans, but also doubles as an excellent starchy-side dish made simply by adding boiling water to kernels after being cooked on high heat.

With a long shelf life too at over 2 years, if stored properly, it’s obvious this stuff does it all – not just taste good.

4.5/5 stars and 243 ratings

Also Check: What Does Gluten Free Mean

What Does Science Say

At this time, there is no strong scientific evidence that a gluten-free diet is good for people with diabetes. While some primary studies suggest that a gluten-free diet may decrease the risk of developing diabetes, more research still needs to be done to confirm or deny these findings.

On the flip side, some scientists have evidence that a gluten-free diet can actually increase your risk of diabetes type 2. The only thing confirmed is an increased risk of Celiac disease if you already have type 1 diabetes. This is thought to be a genetic link, but scientists need to do more research in this regard.

Is Corn Flour Good For Diabetics

Gluten Free Diet to Worsening Type 2 Diabetes According to Recent Study

Corn flour has very high carbohydrates and a high Glycemic Index too. Hence, it is not so good for diabetic patients, and it is NOT suitable for their health conditions.

Corn flour or corn starch, as the name suggests, is a starchy and carbohydrate-rich item. And in addition to that, it is filled with simple carbohydrates. Simple sugars are carbohydrates, which also add up as the total carbohydrate in a food.

Dietary fiber, being a complex carbohydrate, is harder to digest. It needs more time and is, therefore, a slowing agent in the process of digestion. But the amount of dietary fiber in corn flour is very minimal.

Fibers slowed down digestive functioning assists in keeping the sugars under control. The carbohydrates are absorbed and released slowly and gradually and not suddenly. Thus, avoiding and preventing the risks of any blood sugar spikes.

But corn flour does not support this goodness in the digestive system. In contrast, it does the exact opposite. It can lead to excessive sugar absorption and release in the body, resulting in high blood sugar levels.

This is an important factor for foods to be deemed safe for diabetic consumption. Hence, corn flour is an unhealthy source of nutrients for any diabetic individual. It cannot help keep the bodys sugar levels under control and manage diabetic health conditions.

Its lack of fiber also infuriates the chances and risks of developing heart issues. Thus, all in all, corn flour is a no for diabetic patients.

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Should I Switch To Gluten

Remember, there is no need to switch to gluten-free diet if you dont have NCGS or celiac disease. They dont seem to have many benefits to your health, when compared to other diabetic-friendly diets.

If you have both celiac disease and diabetes, you must switch to gluten-free diet. Its the only option to avoid the damage and problems caused by having even a bit of gluten. Be sure to ask a dietitian who is certified also, when going gluten-free.

Which Flour Is Best For A Diabetic

July 26, 2019 By Swetha Sivakumar

Which flour is best for a diabetic? Did you know there are flours with Zero Glycemic Index values?? How cool is that??

Knowing the GI of common flours can help you make good decisions. Instead of avoiding all flours, if you know which flours are bad for you, then you can make healthy eating choices, whether you are diabetic or pre-diabetic.

A little background about the data

The Glycemic Index Foundation of South Africa has published The Smart Carb Guide in which they have tested GI values of flours. The diabetes council also seems to have some data on GI of some flours.

Most GI values of flours seem to directly correlate with the net carbs in the flour. So, this serves as an intuitive check the more carbs, less fiber in a particular grain, the higher the glycemic index and better to avoid/reduce our use of them.

Glycemic Index for Common Flours

Here are some numbers based on the glycemic index from the diabetes council website:

Flours with fantastic GI!!- 0:

  • Walnut Flour 0

As usual, grain flours are the worst!!

Get information about more GL of flours here at

If you want to really be good about sugar control, eat less flour-based products. But, if you want to eat flour-based recipes, start considering flours or flour mixes that are super high in fat or fiber.

Check out some of my favorite flax recipes:

Also Check: Is Red Wine Gluten Free

Gluten And Diabetes: Should People With Diabetes Avoid Gluten

While going gluten-free is a bit of a fad these days, there can be good reasons for doing so especially if you live with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Could following a gluten-free diet improve your insulin sensitivity? Could it help you lose weight, feel more energized, improve your thyroid function, and eliminate your stomach woes?

Lets look at what the science says!

In this article, well look at what gluten is, the signs and symptoms of gluten intolerance or sensitivity, and what research says about gluten and diabetes.

What Are The Negative Effects Of Msg On Diabetics

Whether Wheat is Good or Bad for Diabetes?

After some studies, it has been found that some chemical changes occur in the body as a result of ingesting MSG.

  • Lowering of adiponectin

Adiponectin functions as a protein that helps in regulating the blood sugar level and the amount of energy used by the body. When MSG lowers adiponectin, it causes an increase in blood sugar levels and a significant decrease in metabolism. This can, in turn, trigger massive weight gain.

For diabetics, this can be very dangerous because diabetics need to have a moderate blood sugar level and moderate weight.

  • The presence of Leptin is affected

Ingesting MSG can cause the brain not to recognize the presence of leptin. Leptin functions as a chemical messenger which is usually released by fat cells to signal the brain to stop eating. It does this by traveling to the brain. When MSG affects these chemicals, the receptors in the brain can no longer receive the signals despite its constant production by fat cells.

This means that there will always be an increased appetite in the people involved.

  • Liver damage

It has been speculated that when too much MSG gets into the liver, it can lead to various conditions like inflammation of blood vessels, destruction of red blood cells, and death of liver cells. It has also been noted that most foods containing MSG has very high trans fat. This combination of MSG and trans-fat can lead to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

This insulin resistance is very harmful to those with type 2 diabetes.

Also Check: Is Kraft Zesty Italian Dressing Gluten Free

How To Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Eat a healthy, balanced diet.A healthy diet is key to preventing diabetes. It’s best to stick to the basics. Start with My Plate. By using the visual of a plate, its easier to understand that each food group needs to be eaten at every meal. Make sure to include whole grains. Eliminate white or refined grains. Multiple studies show that whole grains protect us from disease and provide important energy. A healthy diet is all about balance.

Eat regular, consistent meals. Eat breakfast within an hour of getting up, eat until youre no longer hungry, and eat again when youre hungry regardless of how long its been since your last meal. Also, your evening meal shouldnt be the largest meal of the day. It should be the smallest meal of the day and the last thing you eat before retiring to bed.

LEARN MORE: The Diabetic Diet: Food Is Not the Enemy

Stay at a healthy weight. If you eat healthy and exercise, in most cases, your weight will naturally take care of itself. Remember a healthy weight is going to look different for everyone. Work with your caregiver to determine what weight is healthiest for you.

Get adequate sleep. I cannot overemphasize the importance of sleep, which we, as Americans dont do all that well. With our busy schedules, sleep is the one thing we tend to sacrifice, and our poor sleep habits are doing more damage than we realize. Make time for some shut-eye.

What About Eating Out

  • Consult the Coeliac Australia restaurant finder.
  • Have realistic expectations. Not everything on the menu will be gluten-free.
  • Research ahead of time if you know where you are going to be eating out. For example, check if their menu is online, and if they dont have gluten-free options listed then give them a call to discuss your needs.
  • If you havent called ahead of time, tell the waiter that you require gluten-free food as soon as you arrive and ask if they can cater for you. If they cant, you may need to find another restaurant.
  • Be prepared to pay more because providing gluten-free foods for their customers often costs restaurants more.
  • If it doesnt seem right, dont assume its gluten free. For example, if bread is served as an accompaniment to soup then check that the bread is also gluten-free.
  • Exercise common sense and patience.

Unexpected sources of gluten when youre eating out can be stocks and sauces, soy milk, icing sugar or dusting chocolate, salad dressings, chicken salt, dusting or coating flour and oil used for other purposes such as frying foods with a batter that contains wheat flour.

Also Check: Gluten Free Pizza Crust Publix

What Is Monosodium Glutamate

MSG is a food additive with the function of flavor enhancement in food. It is a derivative of glutamate or glutamic acid, which is one of the most abundant amino acids in nature.

Your body can produce glutamic acid because it is a nonessential amino acid that serves so many functions in the body. It can also be found in most foods.

Monosodium glutamate combines salt and glutamic acid and is known as the Sodium Salt. It is a white crystalline powder that looks like salt or sugar.

The glutamic acid in both glutamate and other natural foods are quite similar. Although the glutamic acid in MSG is made by fermenting starch, it is no different from the one found in natural food. The only slight difference is that glutamic acid in MSG might be easily absorbable compared to the ones in natural food. This is because the one in MSG is not bound by big protein molecules in the body.

One unique quality of monosodium glutamate is that it enhances the savory, meaty umami flavor of food. Umami is the fifth basic taste after salty, sour, bitter, and sweet taste found in the taste bud.

This additive is more popular in Chinese and Asian countries.

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