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What Does Gluten Do To Your Gut

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Eliminate Drugs That Interfere With The Immune System

Does Gluten Cause Leaky Gut in Everyone?

Another important consideration are the drugs that affect our immunity. After years of gluten induced damage, many of us are on multiple medications. However, some of these drugs impact the immune system, and delay healing.

Allergy medications

Allergy medications like Benadryl and Singulair can suppress part of your immune system, to reduce your symptoms of allergy. However, suppressing the immune system over long periods of time can increase your risk of infections and other immune related diseases.

A nice substitute for allergy medicines that can help support a normal immune response is vitamin C mixed with quercetin. When you combine these with bromelain, you get a very synergistic formulation that helps to stabilize immune cells, the membrane around your immune cells, particularly a cell type called a mast cell. Stabilizing mast cells, or supporting the membrane around the mast cells with vitamin C, quercetin and bromelain is a very effective strategy in lieu of taking over the counter allergy medications.



The last class of medications I recommend being cautious of are antacids. Antacids change the microbiome in the stomach and allows for an overgrowth of bacteria in the intestines, which can be damaging to the liver. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease as a result of antacid medications is a very real problem. Therefore there is a strong correlation between acid reflux and liver problems.

You Could Clear Your Head

Psh. Not likely if we keep getting conflicting advice on this subject, right?

There isn’t a whole lot of scientific evidence to support it, but the anecdotal evidence is all over the internet: many people report clearer thinking after they give up gluten. The reason being? While they were ingesting gluten, they were experiencing “brain fog.” Although there is no official medical definition, people describe it as feeling tired, lethargic, fuzzy-headed. And often, they didn’t realize how bad they felt, until they gave up gluten, and started thinking much clearer.

One study published in the Journal Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics found an increase in depression symptoms with a diet containing gluten. While another found that when they gave participants a pill containing gluten or placebo, there symptoms were more severe when they swallowed the gluten-containing capsule.

Does Gluten Affect Your Bowels

Gluten can cause digestive issues and nutrient malabsorption in people who are sensitive to it, such as those with Celiac disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome . Symptoms include diarrhea, gas, bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and constipation.


American College of Gastroenterology. 2021. Irritable Bowel Syndrome American College of Gastroenterology. Available at: < https://gi.org/topics/irritable-bowel-syndrome/> .

Benjamin Niland, B., 2021. Health Benefits and Adverse Effects of a Gluten-Free Diet in NonCeliac Disease Patients. PubMed Central . Available at: < https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5866307/> .

Celiac Disease Foundation. 2021. Global Prevalence of Celiac Disease | Celiac Disease Foundation. Available at: < https://celiac.org/about-the-foundation/featured-news/2018/08/global-prevalence-of-celiac-disease/> .

Celiac Disease Foundation. 2021. What is Gluten? | Celiac Disease Foundation. Available at: < https://celiac.org/gluten-free-living/what-is-gluten/> .

Healthline. 2021. FODMAP 101: A Detailed Beginners Guide. Available at: < https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/fodmaps-101#definition> .

Mayo Clinic. 2021. Celiac disease Symptoms and causes. Available at: < https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/celiac-disease/symptoms-causes/syc-20352220> .

The Nutrition Source. 2021. The Microbiome. Available at: < https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/microbiome/> .

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Increased Vulnerability To Gut Autoimmunity

Items #1-4 on this list discussed how wheat makes the gut more permeable, so all kinds of stuff can get into the bloodstream even though it shouldnt be there. Included in that stuff isgluten! Specifically, gliadin, which is a component of gluten. Once its inside your bloodstream, gliadin runs into your immune system, and thats where the problems really start, in the form of molecular mimicry.

Molecular mimicry works like this: some foreign thing gets into the bloodstream. The immune system forms antibodies against it. So far, so good: thats how the immune system is supposed to work. But if that foreign thing looks enough like your own bodys tissue, then the antibodies formed to fight it might start attacking your own body as well.

Molecular mimicry may be the reason why people with celiac disease mount an attack on their own gut cells: to your immune system, gliadin looks a lot like the cells lining the gut. But its not just celiac disease! Gluten-related inflammation may also be a factor in the development of Crohns Disease, another autoimmune gut disease. In this study of patients with inflammatory bowel disease , a gluten-free diet helped a majority of people who tried it.

And gut cells arent the only cells affected by gluten-related autoimmunity

A Protein In The Gut May Explain Why Some Can’t Stomach Gluten

I Think I Am Reacting To Gluten, Where Do I Start ...

Jill Neimark

Those who avoid gluten may not be food faddists after all. Researchers are finally homing in on markers for gluten sensitivity in the body.hide caption

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Those who avoid gluten may not be food faddists after all. Researchers are finally homing in on markers for gluten sensitivity in the body.

If you’ve found that you are sensitive to gluten the stretchy protein that makes wheat bread fluffy and pie crusts crisp perhaps you’ve had to bear the brunt of the gluten-free backlash.

Some 47 percent of American consumers say the gluten-free diet is a fad, according to Mintel research. And that’s partly because there’s been scant proof of what causes non-celiac gluten sensitivity. As far as diagnosing it goes, there’s nothing akin to the gold standard tests that help diagnose the 1 percent of the population that has celiac disease.

But those who shun gluten may not be food faddists after all. Researchers are finally homing in on markers for gluten sensitivity in the body. A study from Giovanni Barbara and his team at the University of Bologna, Italy, suggests that gluten-sensitive individuals may harbor high levels of a molecule called zonulin that is linked to inflammation.

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Who Should Be Concerned About Gluten

According to Dr. Thomas OBryan, anyone who is sick. If you have a headache, youre sick. If you have joint pain, youre sick. If you are depressed, youre sick. If you have irritable bowel, youre sick. If you have poor memory, youre sick, says OBryan. You get the point. If you dont feel well, then gluten may be the culprit.

The current generation of children 10 years and younger have a fore-casted lifespan to be less than their parents. This is the first time in history that the youngest generation is going to live shorter than their parents. We need to change the momentum. We need to change what we are eating and the choices we make, says Dr. Thomas OBryan.

It sounds bleak but this is an exciting time. Gluten-free may sound like a fad, but people are talking about it. The gluten-free movement has happened because so many people have felt better without eating wheat, says OBryan. Celebrities are doing it, people are trying it out, and the result is an increase in availability and request for these gluten-free products. This is good, maybe they will eventually be comparable in price.

But wait Just switching to gluten free products does not necessarily mean healthy. Most of these highly processed foods are not enriched, which means that they dont contain a lot of nutritional value. Many rice flour substitutes actually have a higher glycemic index and less nutrition than white flour. Once in a while, these treats are a wonderful alternative to gluten.

You Could Experience Anti

Inflammation is the body’s attempt to bring more nourishment and immune activity to a site of injury in the body. It’s a healing response. The problem, however, is when inflammation persists without reason. Chronic inflammation is at the root of America’s most popular illnesses heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and a whole host of autoimmune conditions.

According to Romero, because gluten creates inflammation in the body, when one has an allergy or sensitivity, a significant reduction in symptoms is noticed pretty quickly. These can include rashes, GI issues such as IBS, autoimmunity, and pain/fibromyalgia.

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First Things First: What Is Gluten

Gluten is a two-part sticky protein found in grains, most notably wheat, as well as rye, barley, and others. It is considered sticky because it holds together the nutrient stores of the plant it is in. This stickiness is why it is so commonly used in processed foods as a binder and filler. It is a two-part protein because it is made up of the peptides, gliadin, and glutenin.

What Is The Difference Between Products Certified Gluten

How Do You Heal From Gluten Damage and Leaky Gut?

Many of the gluten-conscious type foods at restaurants and fast food chains are unlikely to be processed in a truly gluten-free environment, whether by company policy or employees not properly following the rules, such as employees touching regular pizza dough then moving to the gluten free one without washing hands or changing gloves, and can thus still be contaminated. You should be especially cautious of restaurants with products that are labelled as gluten-conscious, gluten-smart, gluten-wise, or anything that isnt strictly labelled gluten-free. These products are aimed toward the large demographic of people who dont really need to avoid gluten but do so because they believe it to be healthier to eat less gluten. This labelling can pose confusion and harm for individuals with celiac disease.

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The Problem With A Gluten

However, a gluten-free diet may be overly restrictive of gluten-containing foods that are low in fructans.

For example, sourdough bread has gluten but its fermentation process removes the fructans. Soy sauce also contains gluten but is low in fructans. Beer comes to mind as well.

These are off-limits on a gluten-free diet, yet unnecessary to restrict for the vast majority.

The other issue is that most people with digestive issues dont ever fully recover on a gluten-free diet. This is because FODMAPs are the likely culprit and a low FODMAP diet is whats actually required.

If youre still unsure about your perceived gluten sensitivity, try this:

Think about if youve ever had excessive gas, bloating or diarrhea several hours after eating a lot of garlic, chickpeas , dates or watermelon

Its the fructans.

Why Many People Feel Better

There are several reasons why most people feel better on a gluten-free diet.

First, avoiding gluten usually involves cutting back on processed foods, as its found in a wide array of highly processed foods, such as fast food, baked goods, and sugary cereals.

These foods not only contain gluten but are typically also high in calories, sugar, and unhealthy fats.

Many people say that they lose weight, feel less fatigued, and have less joint pain on a gluten-free diet. Its likely that these benefits are attributed to the exclusion of unhealthy foods.

For example, diets high in refined carbs and sugars have been linked to weight gain, fatigue, joint pain, poor mood, and digestive issues all symptoms related to NCGS .

Whats more, people often replace gluten-containing foods with healthier options, such as vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, and proteins which can promote health and well-being.

Additionally, digestive symptoms may improve as a result of reducing intake of other common ingredients, such as FODMAPs .

Although improved symptoms on a gluten-free diet may be related to NCGS, these improvements could also be due to the reasons listed above or a combination of the two.


Cutting out gluten-containing foods may improve health for several reasons, some of which may be unrelated to gluten.

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Bone Broth Soothes The Gut And Reduces Inflammation

Bone broth contains an amino acid called glutamine, which is said to play a key role in maintaining the integrity of your guts intestinal barrier.

In people with celiac disease, the gut lining is damaged and leaky. A way to accelerate the healing of the gut lining could be to increase glutamine consumption.

Studies have shown that subjects with low glutamine levels have increased risk of intestinal permeability, while those with higher or sufficient glutamine levels experience improved gut barrier function.

Bone broth also contains collagen, which can help strengthen, repair, and rebuild the intestinal wall and deter leaky gut.

Studying How Gluten Reacts With Bacteria In The Gut Helps Advance Treatments For Celiac Disease

Is Gluten Causing My Bloating?

As revealed by a new study from McMaster University, microbes in the small intestine interacting with gluten in a person diagnosed with celiac disease can trigger an immune reaction.

Without exception, a diagnosis of celiac disease comes with a life sentence of wheat and gluten avoidance. Even small amounts of gluten for those with CD can trigger a reaction that damages the lining of the small intestine and sometimes causes uncomfortable gastrointestinal symptoms. But since avoiding every last trace of wheat can be a real lifestyle disruptor, researchers are trying to understand more about celiac disease in order to develop alternative treatments.

A new line of research is investigating what the human gut microbiota has to do with the onset and progression of celiac disease. Bacteria in the human small intestine participate in gluten metabolism, and scientists already know that individuals with CD tend to have a different set of small intestinal bacteria than those without the disease. Would the bacterial communities of a celiac and a non-celiac handle wheat proteins differently?

According to new research from McMaster University , when small intestinal microbes from a person with CD interact with gluten, they can trigger a different immune reaction than the microbes from a person without CD.

The new study highlights gut bacteriaâs determining role in the bodyâs reaction to gluten.


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If You Have A Sensitivity You’ll See An Improvement In Your Digestive Health

“If you are going gluten free because you have been diagnosed with celiac disease, then you may feel relief of symptoms including GI issues, weight loss, improved nutrient absorption, a decrease in aches and pains and headaches, and increased energy,” Shapiro says. “If you have or suspect you have a gluten sensitivity, then removing it may decrease gas and bloating.”

Why Choose To Go Gf

Apart from individuals diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, some go gluten free to support a family member. Anecdotally, others claim that they simply feel better when they stop consuming gluten. There is no evidence to support most of the motives given for eliminating gluten, but they have increasing social approval.5 Some motives include trying to achieve general health, improve digestive health, or lose weight. Others believe that gluten causes leaky gut syndrome, that the human digestive tract cannot digest gluten, or that since wheat is often a genetically modified organism , it is bad for you. However, you would also have to avoid corn, soy, rice, tomatoes, dairy, potatoes, and many other products if you believe GMOs are bad for you. Just going gluten free to avoid GMO foods doesnt really make sense.

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