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Resistance Bands For Hips And Glutes

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Hip Band Bridge Dip + Abduction

Resistance Band Exercises for WIDER Hips and FULLER Glutes | Booty Bands

Start lying on your back, knees bent and feet planted on the floor hip-width apart, band around your thighs. Place hands down by sides. Drive through your feet and squeeze your glutes to lift your hips off the floor. Then, at the top, externally rotate hips and press knees against the band for an abduction. Bring knees back to hip-width and lower hips back to the floor. Repeat!

Grab your own hip band RIGHT HERE! Ready to put these moves into full workout action? Sign up for Kats 6:40 program today in your TIU app!

Resistance Band Leg Lifts

Muscles worked: Smaller muscles in the glutes

In the standing position, place the resistance band around your ankles with your feet shoulder-width apart. Maintaining an upright posture and placing your hands on your hips, bring your right leg out to the side as far as you can without shifting the hips. Once you feel the tension, lower your leg to the starting position.

Progression: When descending on the rep, come down with a 3-second negative to make the movement more difficult.

Rep range for each leg: 10-15

Try This Resistance Band Glute Workout

For a full resistance band glute workout follow Ciara’s lead in the video above.

You’ll do:

  • Pelvic thrusts up and down
  • Pelvic thrusts open and close

All you’ll need is a medium-strength resistance band, not so heavy you’re unable to move once it’s around your thighs and a yoga mat for cushioning on the floor-based movements.

The ratio of work to rest in this workout is 45 seconds work to 15 seconds rest. Some moves are repeated twice so, for the side-kicks and donkey kicks, expect to do 30 seconds of work on each side before resting.

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The Resistance Band Workout Plan For Glute Development

For this workout you wont need any type of weights or heavy equipment.

All you need is a resistance band.

If you have been following us for some time, you should have invested in a resistance band by now. Theyre super cheap and you can get them almost at any fitness store.

However, if youre still not able to get your hands on a resistance band you can still get the benefits of the workout.

Its just that by adding external resistance with the band you can stimulate even more muscle hypertrophy.

Youll be doing 5 separate workouts all targeting the gluteal muscles but mainly the gluteus medius.

A workout chart will be given below showing the amount of sets and reps for each workout.

So without further ado lets dive right into the workouts!


Starting off with one of the most underutilized moves for growing the gluteus medius.

This workout looks comfortable but after couple reps youre going to start feeling it.

And thats a good thing!

If youre doing the moves and youre not feeling the work in those glutes then check your form.

How to do it

  • Get into position A as shown in the image above lying on your side with both legs slightly bent hovering over the ground.
  • The resistance band should be positioned just high enough so you can feel the stretch when you open your thighs into position B.
  • During the move make sure that both legs remain above ground and your right foot is in front of your left foot as shown in position B, when on the other side, vice versa.

Benefits Of Using Resistance Band During Exercise

Hurdilen Resistance Bands Loop Exercise Bands Booty Bands ...

Some benefits of using resistance band during exercise are that the resistance band can be used with your existing exercises.

  • It is a suitcase and pocket-friendly which means that it is a relatively cheap exercise tool.
  • You can take it with you whenever you hit the road so you wont have the excuse of not being able to work out. It also does not even require too much space.
  • Resistance band exercises for legs and glutes are routines you can do almost anywhere such as indoors, parks, backyards, you name it.


Not all resistance bands are the same. Some come with attachments that let you use them in different ways.

Resistance bands are often color coded.

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Resistance Band Exercises For Legs: Calves

16. Resistance Band Standing Calf Raises

To do banded standing calf raises, start by either standing with both feet on the center of the band or anchoring the band near the floor behind you. Next, raise the other end of the band up to shoulder level.

With your feet shoulder-width or narrower, extend up onto the balls of your feet and your toes. Then let your heels come back down to the floor.

17. Resistance Band Seated Calf Raises

To do banded seated calf raises, start by sitting on a bench or flat on the floor with your feet straight out in front of you. Next, wrap a band around the bottom of both feet and pull the other ends tight towards your stomach.

From this position, extend your toes straight out as far as you can by squeezing your calves. Then let them come back to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of reps.

Donkey Kick Resistance Band Exercise

Your glutes and hip flexors are in for a nice workout with this exercise. Your abdominal muscles too will get some secondary effects from this routine.

So, you might want to take this particular exercise seriously and do it more often.

How to do donkey kicks

  • Start on all fours with the resistance band looped around both your feet across your soles on one end.
  • The other end of the resistance band should be hinged between your thumb and index finger.
  • Now slowly extend and straighten your leg upward and outward.
  • When your knee is locked or you reach the maximum tension of the resistance band, slowly return your leg to the starting position.
  • This sequence completes one rep.
  • You should do 10 to 15 reps per set for each leg and you will do 4 reps being 2 reps for each leg.

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Hip Core And Glute Resistance Band Workout

I started accumulating pieces to my own home gym when I moved into my first apartment in college. My home gym was simple enough: a kettlebell, yoga/Pilates mat, and some dumbbells. At some point, I acquired a small resistance band loop, but for years then I barely used it.

After attending the Rise.Run.Retreat and listening to Crystal Seaver extol the virtues of resistance band training for long distance runners. The resistance band doesnt strain the body as much as heavy weight lifting, but it works on strength, stability, and mobility for the key muscles used in running. I too easily will neglect weight lift as the miles pile up, so I was excited to fish out that little band when I returned home and try it.

Now, that simple little resistance band is one of my favorite at-home strength training tools, along with my Pilates magic circle and my handled medicine ball. The resistance band is my favorite tool for runner-specific core, hip, and glute strength training, because I can use it easily from our apartment rather than having to go to the gym.

You can find resistance band loops in a variety of weights, from light resistance to heavy resistance. The band I use for this workout is heavy resistance, but you can use whichever level you have or feels challenging to you. The true genius of this resistance band is that you can do this workout virtually anywhere at home, your office gym, while traveling, etc.

Resistance Band Exercises To Work Your Glutes Quads And Hamstrings

Resistance Bands | HIPS & GLUTES | At Home

Take your body-weight workout to the next level with this simple piece of equipment

Working on your running strength from home? In this workout, you can take your body-weight workout to the next level by adding a resistance band. ‘This piece of kit is great for making a body-weight workout more challenging,’ says personal trainer Max Lowery.

‘There’s benefit in the resistance loop because you’re working in two ranges of motion against the loop as you push it away and, as it contracts when you’re reversing the movement, you’re still working hard.’

Adding a loop to your routine will ensure you’re switching on your glutes and hip flexors both important when running. Don’t race through the moves it’ll work your body more to do them slowly, with control.

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Where To Buy Resistance Bands

Are you fired up and want to get into resistance band exercises for legs and glutes?

Amazon has a nice collection of resistance band that can be used for leg and glutes exercises or even full body exercises.

If you need where to buy a resistance band, their large collection of various types of resistance bands

Summing it All Up

These are just some easy resistance band exercises for legs and glutes that you can incorporate into your existing routine.

It will help you to achieve and maintain the toned legs and butt you have always dreamed of.

Resistance Band Leg Curls

Muscles worked: Hamstrings

Lie on the floor, face down, with your legs straight. Loop a resistance band around your ankles. Slowly curl one leg bringing your heel up to your bum by bending your knee. Hold this for several seconds, and then lower the bent leg down to the starting position.

Progression: When descending on the rep, come down with a 3-second negative to make the movement more difficult.

Rep range for each leg: 10-15

Recommended Reading: Bud Light Gluten

How To Do A Donkey Kick:

  • Place a resistance band around the top of your feet so that the band is covering your shoelaces.
  • Flip over so that you are on all fours or a quadruped position. Align your wrists with your shoulders and your knees with your hips.
  • With a neutral spine and a tight core, kick your foot straight back and up.
  • Once your leg is extended, and you feel your glutes activate, bring your leg straight back and down.TIP: Try not to arch your back. This will put more pressure on your lower back and will not allow you to get the most activation out of your glutes. You should also avoid letting your knee move out to the side when you’re kicking back.
  • Great job, you made it through the workout!

    Now that you’ve gotten a great booty-burning workout remember to take a few minutes to stretch and recover. Put those resistance bands down, grab your foam roller or Hyperice, and watch our guide for The 6 Best Stretches for Your Growing Glutes.

    Want more trainer-approved moves to add to your next leg day routine? Check out our blog of The 11 Best Bodyweight Glute Exercises. These bodyweight exercises combined with our best-banded exercises will make it nearly impossible not to get the booty of your dreams anytime, anywhere, at any skill level!

    Bonus Exercises You Can Do With Resistance Bands

    Resistance Bands For Legs And Butt,loop Exercise Bands For ...

    If youre looking to mix things up, add these additional exercises to your leg and butt workout. These movements are fairly simple and are great choices for beginners, especially if youve never used a resistance band in your workout before. Including these in a resistance band workout will help you achieve toned legs at any age.

    • Leg extension: Sit on the edge of a chair. Your back should be straight and keep your feet flat. Take one end of your band and place it either beneath the leg of the chair or one of your feet. On the other foot, loop the resistance band around your ankle. With your foot flexed, slightly lift your thigh as straighten your leg. Repeat for 8-12 repetitions on each side.

    These exercises are really fun and great to do at the gym, home, or when traveling. If youre new to exercising, this is a great way to start! Or, you can incorporate a few minutes of a mini band workout into your regular exercise routine to act as a warm-up or for accessory work.

    Make sure to couple these exercises with a high protein diet that is also low in saturated fats. Making sure you eat enough protein is key to helping you build muscle . Good luck and happy booty building!

    Shannon Dallas Hall


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    So Lets Look At Hip Complex Anatomy

    The muscles of the hip complex that will generally be used during band assisted walks and assisted activation drills are below.

    Ill try and keep it simple and specific because there are plenty!

    We have the

    • abductors
    • and you could probably add in rectus femoris and vastus lateralis for the lateral line

    All of the above are muscles that are generally very tight and restrictive in the general population.

    Due to our Westernised culture and prolonged periods of sitting and inactivity, or even excessive activity , we often become very tight and immobile through this key area.

    Resistance Band Hip & Glute Workout For Runners

    As runners, we know how frustrating it can be to put in a ton of miles and wind up injured or at a plateau. After giving some of our best effort, we end up nursing and injury or unable to improve. Injuries or pain while running can be one of the most frustrating situations. Luckily, there are a few things we can do to proactively reduce our risk of injury and continue to improve each week. Many of the most common running injuries are a result of poor hip strength and inactive glutes.

    Related: The Miracle Cure for Chronic Running Injuries

    A lot of runners are plagued by these conditions but have no idea until it is too late. By the time theyve figured it out, they are forced to take some time off. Rather than waiting until the damage is done, these easy resistance band exercises focus on strengthening those weak spots and take very little time to complete.

    This resistance band workout combines 6 of the best hip strengthening exercises, forcing glute activation and preventing muscle imbalances. The simple addition of the loop band provides resistance when completing these moves, accentuating their affect.

    These mini band exercises are all you need to keep your hips and glutes strong and active during training. Completing this resistance band workout takes less than 15 minutes, but will have a huge impact on your running. Keeping your hips and glutes strong will prevent running injuries and knee pain as you continue to improve.

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    How To Use This Hip & Glute Workout

    If you want to get the maximum results possible you have to do this routine at least 3 to 4 times a week.

    Remember that you wont be using any heavier weights for this routine.

    So you need to hit the gluteal muscles more frequently during the week to activate them for maximum growth.

    If you want to increase the challenge for this workout use 2 resistance bands and increase the dumbbell weight to 30 pounds.

    This is called progressive overload which is basically challenging the glute muscles with heavier weight or more external resistance.

    If youre currently doing glute training add this as a finisher to your routine.

    Eating For Your Gains

    None of this will work unless you back it up with the right nutrition.

    Its simple, for you to grow bigger glutes you need to eat in a calorie surplus. Make sure that most of your daily calorie intake includes protein, carbs and healthy fats.

    In regards to protein, try to consume at least 0.6 to 1 gram of protein per your bodyweight.

    So for example, if you weigh 120 pounds, try to consume at least 120 grams of protein. This might sound hard to do but its quite easy, by adding protein shakes to your daily diet.

    Here are some glute building shakes that you can add to help you achieve that daily calorie surplus.

    If youre vegan, check out this plan.

    Give This Booty & Hip Wokout A Try!

    There you have it, a simple plan you can execute right away and start getting those gains.

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