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How To Build Glute Muscles

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Maintaining A Proper Diet

Grow Your Glutes FAST with These 3 Exercises
  • 1Watch what you eat. A large part of getting a better butt, and a better body in general, is diet. If you don’t combine exercise with healthy eating, you won’t get good results.XResearch source
  • To get the best results, calculate your recommended caloric intake. You need energy to work out. If you want to lose weight, consume fewer calories. If you want to gain weight, consume more. Either way, make sure you are balancing your work out with the amount of calories you consume.XResearch source
  • 2Eat well-balanced meals. You need protein to gain muscle, but you need carbohydrates for energy. Don’t focus too heavily on one or the other. To get the most out of your diet, make sure you know how much of each you need.XResearch source
  • About 15% of your daily caloric intake should come from protein, and about 55% should come from carbohydrates.XResearch source
  • Lean proteins, such as chicken and fish, are better for you than red meat. Incorporate a vegetarian meal two or three times a week to mix things up.XResearch source
  • Eat whole grains, sweet potatoes, and whole wheat breads for a good source of energy.XResearch source
  • 3Eat the right kind of fat. You need a certain amount of healthy fats to maintain good health. Good fats are usually liquid at room temperature. Fats such as olive oil, flaxseed oil, and safflower oil are good. If a fat is solid at room temperature, such as butter, avoid it.XResearch source
  • When Should I Train My Gluteus Medius

    Unless you are obviously lacking strength in the gluteus medius or actually suffering from Trendelenburg gait, there is no reason to have a specific gluteus medius workout. The easiest way is to work some of the above exercises into your normal glute training, whether you train them on leg days or pulling days. You could also add a few butt lift exercises to your leg day for an added glute boost.

    Blogilates ‘lift Your Butt’ Bum Workout

    Expect a sweet, sweet burn in this glute circuit from fitness superstar Cassey Ho, a.k.a. Blogilates. Lots of reps paired with little rest means your muscles will fatigue more quickly leading to those much sought-after gains. The whole workout is only seven and a half minutes long so fight the urge to give up!

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    How Do I Build The Perfect Glutes

    Reading Time: 3 minutes 55 seconds

    You get this all the time from your clients, right?

    My legs are bulging, but what about my butt?

    I really want to shape up my butt more how do I do it?

    We want to be strong and fit, but lets face it we also want a perfect butt, glutes or backside. Its by far the most common thing my clients ask for, and I have the answer.

    I wont give you all this fluffy stuff that you see from Instagram girls who post pictures of their booty all day. Some of them may actually give good tips, but this is the ISSA, so let me give you the science behind glute training.

    First, you need to understand the muscles involved. Those that give us that nice, curvy bottom include the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus.

    A lot of our daily movements, like walking or running, involve these muscles, and yet, most people never train them specifically.

    When you do train your gluteus muscles, its possible to achieve hypertrophy, or growth in the size of the muscles. The secret is to target each of the glute muscles and to progressively overload them with high intensity.

    This can be achieved within any range of reps, but you get the best muscle hypertrophy results from a rep range of six to twelve and with a heavy resistance.

    Produce the best glute results with ISSAs . Youll learn about muscle activation, common dysfunctions, and building a stronger, more functional posterior chain.

    How To Do The Modified Curtsy Lunge

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    Stand with a dumbbell in each hand, and place one foot, toes down, on an elevated surface behind you. It should be low enough to not shift your hips to one side. The lead foot rotated internally around 10-20 degrees, aligning with the toes of the lead foot with the knee of the back leg. With a slight lean forward in your torso, squat down until both of your legs bend to around 90 degrees. Stand back up by driving your front foot through the floor.

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    How Long Does It Take To Grow Glutes

    If you are dedicated to following a good training and nutrition program, you can expect to see glute growth in 8-12 weeks.

    However, it is hard to know exactly how long it will take you to grow your glutes as it depends on several factors, such as your:

    Your glutes are weak if:

    • Your lower back arches when you extend your hips
    • You have low back pain, hip, or knee pain when using heavy weights
    • You notice that one hip is higher than the other

    Also, you likely have weak glutes if you are unable to complete a full range of motion glute bridge.

    *There should be a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.*

    But all hope is not lost!

    If your glutes are weak, then you can do exercises that target them directly, as weak glutes can lead to injury and postural misalignments.

    Exercises To Build Your Upper Glute Shelf

    Hopefully, you are already doing all your big lifts and variations of – Hip thrusts, Squats, Deadlifts, and Lunges all of which I cover in my How To Grow Your Lower Glutes post.

    All the big moves are great at targeting the Glute Max, but for the Medius and building the shelf we also need some abduction exercises and single-leg exercises to hit the Glute Medius.

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    Focus On Progressive Overload

    Hate to break it to you, but you won’t see much of a difference in your peach if you’re using the same kettlebell every time you power through your glute-building workouts. “The most common missing element in the programs of women who are striving to grow their glutes is steady, progressive overload,” explains Contreras.

    Progressive overload is a strength-training concept that suggests that in order to get stronger , you need to expose your muscles to a continually increasing amount of resistance. In other words, you should keep upping the weight and/or reps in your workouts over time to consistently challenge your muscles.

    This basically means that, in general, those with the most developed glutes are also the strongest, says Contreras. “Unless you were born with amazing glute genetics, the only way to get your glutes considerably shapelier and rounder is to get very strong at the best glute exercises.”

    “At my Glute Lab in San Diego, we train hundreds of women, and the ones with the best glutes are typically the strongest at exercises like barbell hip thrusts, dumbbell back extensions, leg press, walking dumbbell lunges, goblet squats, and kettlebell deadlifts.”

    Try To Lift More Weight In Every Workout

    How to Build STRONG Glutes (Exactly What You Need!)

    One of the simplest and most effective ways to get stronger is a method called double progression.

    If you want a full breakdown of exactly what double progression is and how to implement it in your training, check out this podcast, but heres the long story short:

    Work with a weight until you hit the top of your rep range for one set, then move up in weight.

    For instance, if you squat 95 pounds for 6 reps on your first 4-to-6 rep set, you then add 5 pounds to each side of the bar for your next set.

    If, on the next set, you can get at least 4 reps with 105 pounds, thats the new weight you work with until you can pull it for 6 reps, move up, and so forth.

    If you get 3 or fewer reps, though, reduce the weight added by 5 pounds and see how the next set goes. If you still get 3 reps or fewer, reduce the weight to the original 6-rep load and work with that until you can do two 6-rep sets with it, and then increase the weight on the bar.

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    Understanding The Butt Muscles

  • 1Develop the right muscles. When searching for a way to build a better butt, keep in mind that there are three muscles that make up the butt. Consider each of these muscles when creating your workout plan.XResearch source
  • The gluteus maximus is the largest of the butt muscles, as well as the largest muscle in the body. When you rise from a squat position, or do any kind of thigh extension, this is the muscle you are using.XResearch source
  • The gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus have similar functions. When running, they stabilize your leg as it hits the ground. They also help with thigh rotations.XResearch source
  • 2Discover your true shape. Don’t focus too much on achieving a certain type of butt. As with the rest of your body, it is largely genetic.
  • Whether you have a large set of glutes or a particularly small set is probably the result of heredity. You can still work your butt muscles and make them stronger, but you may not be able to change their shape.XResearch source
  • 3Mix it up. The best way to build a better butt is to workout all three muscles with a variety of exercises. Don’t rely on just squats to get your butt in shape.XResearch source
  • The glutes respond to both strength and endurance training. Some of the muscles are “fast-twitch,” meaning they respond to bursts of power. These muscles get worked out during exercises such as the squat.
  • The glutes also contain “slow-twitch” muscles, which respond to aerobic exercises and running.
  • How To Do A Reverse Lunge

  • Place your barbell on the rack so you can place your shoulders under it with a slight bend in your knees. Alternatively, place the barbell on the floor in front of you and lift it up onto your shoulders, or hold your dumbbells in each hand.
  • Stand straight, with feet hip-width apart, roll your shoulders back and engage your core.
  • Slowly lift your right foot off the floor and extend it out long behind you, making sure your hips dont twist to the right.
  • Bend at both knees to lower to the ground, taking your right knee as close to the floor as possible.
  • Lift your right leg off the floor by pressing your weight into your left foot and squeezing through your left glute.
  • Repeat 12 times on each side for three to four sets

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    Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat

    A close relative to the Bulgarian split squat, this variation isolates one leg at a time, which also allows a weaker leg the ability to catch up in terms of size and strength. The rear foot elevation allows you to sink down into hip flexion more, placing more muscular tension on the glute of the front leg.

    How To Do The Goblet Squat

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    Stand with your feet around shoulder width apart with a dumbbell or kettlebell and hold the weight directly under your chin with your elbows tucked in. Brace your core, tense your back, and ensure that you feel stable. Keep your chest up and squat down until both of your legs bend to around 90 degrees. Stand back up by driving through the floor.

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    Smith Machine Reverse Lunge

    The smith machine reverse lunge is a stable lunge variation, allowing you to control the technique and better bias the target muscles. The stability of this lunge makes it great for both beginners and advanced trainees who want to add weight to the movement youll have an easier time loading this reverse lunge variation.

    The Next Step To Building Glutes

    Now that you have a list of bodyweight exercises that you can do to target your glutes, you need to continuously challenge yourself so that you can progressively overload this muscle.

    Were going to take some of our aforementioned recommendations and give some examples of how to apply it to your glute training.

    If you dont want to worry about planning your own fitness program, you can just use Fitbod , which will take into account your goals and available equipment.

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    Glute Muscles: What They Are And How To Make Them Stronger

    Everything you need to know about your glute muscles, including how to get stronger glutes

    We use our glute muscles every day just by standing, sitting and walking. But what exactly are they? And how can you make them stronger?

    The glute muscles ), which are in your posterior chain, are having a bit of a moment. You only have to look at the latest exercise trends, scroll through Instagram or hop over to YouTube to see the numerous ways you can build bigger and stronger glutes. Some people swear by squats to build your rear muscles, others prefer deadlifts, while some studies like this one published in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy recommend adding some of the best resistance bands to help level up your leg workouts and activate specific glutes.

    To help decipher everything there is to know about our glute muscles, including what they are, why are they important, how you can get stronger glutes and the best exercises to help you do so, we spoke to Dr Edward Merritt, who is an associate professor in kinesiology at Southwestern University and a member of the American Physiological Society .

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    How To Activate Your Glutes | Strength And Conditioning For Your Gluteal Muscles

    This bottom builder gained fame in the exercise videos of the 1970s as the “fire hydrant.” It targets two of the muscle groups in the buttocks.

    Form: Keep your knees hip-width apart and your hands directly under your shoulders, elbows straight. Gently stiffen the abs and keep your back in a neutral position with no sagging or arching. Slowly draw one knee up. Rotate the hip to bring the leg toward the torso, then away.

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    On The Ball: Hip Lift

    This small movement focuses on the gluteus maximus, the largest muscle in the body. Be careful not to use the back muscles the glutes should do the work.

    Form: Bend the knees 90 degrees, feet together. Squeeze the glutes and slowly move the thighs up off the ball. A small, controlled, 2-inch movement is the goal.

    The Function Of The Gluteus Medius

    The most efficient way to train the gluteus medius is to use exercises that closely resemble its function. By understanding the roles it plays biomechanically, you will be better equipped to choose movements that target the gluteus medius.

  • The gluteus medius is the prime mover of hip abduction, which is its main function. Hip abduction occurs when you move the leg away from the body laterally. . This is done by both the posterior and anterior portions of the gluteus medius.
  • The gluteus medius plays an essential role in maintaining level hips while walking or running. If it wasnt for the gluteus medius, your hips would sag every time you lifted a leg of the floor. This ability to maintain level hips is known as frontal plane control. It enables us to perform the vast majority of movements. This is one of the reasons why single-leg exercises have been found to be effective exercises for the gluteus medius as they require increased control of the hips
  • Assists in the flexion and extension of the hip. This occurs when the thighs are raised up or the torso is bent down. Hip flexion is the closing of the hip joint while hip extension is the opening of the hip joint.
  • Assists in internal and external rotation of the hip. Internal rotation the legs are turned inwards, and external rotation occurs when your hips are rotated outwards.
  • Assist in horizontal plane abduction of the hips.
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    Your Best Bets To Target The Glutes

    Now, lets get specific. What exactly are the best exercises for seeing growth in the glute muscles?

    • Side plank abductions

    • Hip external rotations

    • Single-leg elevated hip thrusts

    Most of these exercises achieve a 70% or greater maximal voluntary muscle contraction . The higher that percentage, the more youre working those glutes and the faster youre moving toward bigger muscles.

    Side plank abductions come out on top with 103% MVIC, and single leg squats are the next best with 82% MVIC .

    On The Ball: Leg Lift

    Your glute muscles work as a team. The gluteus Maximus is kinda like ...

    Leg lifts done while you balance on an exercise ball will strengthen your shoulders and abs, as well as your glutes. As you get more fit, try lifting both legs at the same time for a harder, beautiful-butt move.

    Form: Keep your abs tight and back flat. Squeeze your glute muscles tight as you lift one leg. Just a few inches is fine when you’re just starting out. Be careful not to use your lower back muscles.

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    What Are The Most Useless Exercises For Building Your Glutes

    âBicep curls!â Vesco laughs, jokingly. ââBuildingâ can mean a lot of things for a lot of people but if you want to actually increase the size of your backside, you have to lift heavy weights consistently.â While resistance bands, ankle weights, and kickbacks can be beneficial in toning your backside, Vesco says that they wonât work to increase muscle mass.

    Now, work the rest of your booty with this full glute resistance band workout:

    What Is The Muscle At The Top Of Your Buttocks

    The muscle at the top of your buttocks is called the gluteus medius, commonly known as the upper glute or the glute shelf.

    The gluteus medius is a stabilizer muscle, meaning it helps keep your pelvis level as you walk.

    It also helps rotate your leg outward .

    The gluteus medius is one of the three main muscles in your butt. The other two are the gluteus maximus and the gluteus minimus.

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