Saturday, April 13, 2024
HomeDietGluten Free Anti Inflammatory Diet

Gluten Free Anti Inflammatory Diet

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Go For Fried Processed Foods

WHAT I EAT IN A DAY: Dairy & Gluten Free Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Im talkin deep-fried french fries,

processed meats,

and basically anything else that has artificial trans fats.

These fats are known to be the unhealthiest on the planet,

Linked to high inflammation, cholesterol, and risk of heart disease.

No thanks!

For reference, artificial trans fats are usually listed as partially hydrogenated oils in ingredient lists.

Instead, go for all of those whole foods mentioned earlier!

Here Are My Top 5 Picks That Pack An Anti

  • Tumeric: This spice is a nutritional powerhouse, quite well known for fighting inflammation. You may see turmeric supplements popping up in many natural food stores. But, your best bet is to always start with the actual food before thinking about supplements.
  • Supplements can have unwanted side effects at large doses and may interact with some medications. So, if you are thinking about a turmeric supplement be sure to inform your Registered Dietitian or Medical Doctor.

    Try this immune boosting smoothie: Carrot, Ginger Tumeric Smoothie

  • Salmon: Salmon is high in omega 3, specifically EPA and DHA, which are potent anti-inflammatory, essential fats that must consumed in the diet to meet our needs. In addition to reducing inflammation, omega 3 fats help to support healthy heart, brain, skin, and bone function.
  • Try this simple, weeknight meal: Maple Dijon Salmon

  • Chia seeds: Chia seeds are a wonderful, vegetarian source of omega 3. The type of omega 3 found in chia seeds is ALA and must be metablized into the essential fats EPA and DHA. About 1% of ALA consumed in the diet will be converted into the essential fats, EPA and DHA.
  • Tip: throw a handful into smoothies, gluten free pastas, fried rice, soups, stews, and chilis, top sautéed greens on toast with a drizzle of olive oil and goat cheese, top it fresh on pizzas, etc. The options are endless!

    Food Sensitivity Tests For Your Body:

    We know gluten and dairy are the most common food sensitivities, but you can also have food sensitivities specific to your body. It’s important to know how your body specifically reacts to foods because we’re each unique. A food sensitivity occurs when a food upsets your gut bacteria and inflames your gut lining, causing your immune system to make those inflammatory messengers.

    I took an EverlyWell food sensitivity test back in January and found three major foods were extremely inflammatory for my body: almonds, eggs and egg whites. I removed those three foods from my diet and found my anxiety decreased, acne was reduced, gut and IBS nearly healed and much more.

    There are two great things about knowing what food sensitivities you have. The first is that knowledge is power. Once you know, you can simply eliminate or reduce that food to decrease inflammation. The second is that you can reverse food sensitivities once you know what they are??

    To reverse food sensitivities: Get a test done, avoid highly sensitive foods, rebuild your gut flora through a probiotic supplement and fermented foods and eat gut-healing supplements like bone broth and glutamine.

    After doing all of the above for 10 months I took another food sensitivity test and was SO EXCITED to see that all three of my high sensitivities were lowered.

    Note: I was given another food sensitivity test by EverlyWell for this post. It is not sponsored and all opinions are my own.

    Don’t Miss: Is Cauliflower Pizza Crust Gluten Free

    Nightshade Vegetables And Inflammation

    Ive received a lot of email asking if tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, and other foods that are nightshades are allowed on a gluten free anti inflammatory diet.

    Well, it depends. Everyone reacts differently to foods that are nightshades, so it comes down to listening to your body. For starters, read the article we posted a couple of days ago, What Are Nightshades.

    In that post, theres a nightshade list and plenty of information to help you understand about solanaceae . Hopefully that will help you assess whether or not theyre a good choice for your diet

    After that, if you still have questions or need more information, there is reliable information in Dr. Axes nightshade article. Or, better yet, give your doctor a call to discuss. Mkay?

    The short and curly is, if you realize that tomatoes and potatoes are making you feel worse, then yes, take them out of your diet temporarily.

    Just know that nightshade foods are natural and nourishing to the general population wanting to eat well. Hope that makes sense!

    Okay, are you ready for healthy, nourishing recipes? Here they are!

    Why Is An Anti

    This anti

    The inflammatory response is a normal function of the body and in some instances not something that you want to necessarily stop. Think about when you get a cut, inflammatory cytokines are sent to the injury to help promote healing, that is why the site of the injury becomes red and swollen, this is good inflammation. Exercise also promotes inflammation in the body to support the breakdown and build-up of muscle, this too is beneficial inflammation.

    Chronic inflammation, however, is not what we want.

    Inflammation is a perpetual component of chronic disease that can be greatly altered through proper dietary intake. An anti-inflammatory diet is based on limiting your bodys exposure to foreign antigens while increasing the intake of beneficial nutrients especially nutrients that have anti-inflammatory effects.

    Also Check: Is Greek Yogurt Gluten Free

    Inflammation Doesnt Have To Be Your Normal Bring On The Healing

    Inflammation is no joke.

    The more it increases, the more your mental health may decline, too.

    But now, you can rest easy, knowing exactly what foods to stick to and stay away from. Plus, our FREE printable grocery list makes this even easier!

    Keep fighting for your health!

    Eventually, youll find what works and feel better again.

    You got this!

    The Connection Between Gluten And Joint Pain

    It turns out, researchers have long known that people with autoimmune forms of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis, are at higher risk for celiac disease,1,2 an autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten.

    See Inflammatory Arthritis

    More recently, medical experts have begun to acknowledge the connection between gluten and joint pain described as non-pathologic .

    Both my orthopedist and primary care provider agree that my gluten-free diet is probably keeping my joint pain and other symptoms of inflammation in check.

    Recommended Reading: Is Balsamic Vinegar Gluten Free

    Mind The Nightshade Family

    The nightshade family includes:

    Some people are sensitive to nightshade plants, particularly one phytochemical called solanine. Nightshades can impact inflammation, particularly arthritis.

    Nightshades can be a tricky food category to navigate since they also have a multitude of beneficial properties. If youre dealing with inflammation, try cutting them out for a month and see if it makes a difference. You can also rotate nightshades in your anti-inflammatory diet, as opposed to having them on a daily or weekly basis.

    Top 10 Triggers For Gluten Inflammation

    Anti-Inflammatory Diet For Gluten-Intolerance | Andrew Weil, M.D.
    Biggest Culprits | Celiac, Gluten-free | Celiac-friendly | Chinese Medicine | Digestive Health | Gluten & Grains | Gluten-free | Healthy Digestion | Myths | Obesity | Optimizing Health | Stress and Diet

    Common mis-understandings about gluten make me wonder: What is the problem with our wheat? Is gluten the main problem? Or could it be the recent hybridization and mutagenesis of modern wheat? Perhaps the use of Monsantos carcinogenic herbicide Roundup Glyphosate in harvesting wheat could be causing it to be indigestible? What is the connection between gluten, high blood sugar, and the epidemic of sugar-related diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease? Is it healthy that so many commercial gluten-free products are extremely high in refined carbs and sugars? Why do doctors now say they expect people to gain weight on a gluten-free diet? Why is it that when we use time-honored traditions, like soaking, sprouting, and fermenting grains, that gluten reactions vanish and the gut can heal? How does our modern lifestyle of high-stress, multi-tasking, electronic, caffeine fueled, computerized, and Twitter-sized attention-span affect our delicate digestive system? Yep, you guessed it. Gluten is NOT the only trigger. Other important factors can cause gluten inflammation:

    Also Check: Is Old Trapper Beef Jerky Gluten Free

    Foods To Eat And Foods To Avoid When Going Gluten

    If you decide to go gluten-free, then youâll have to avoid any food or drink that includes wheat, barley, rye, triticale, and most oats. Because many processed foods contain wheat and wheat by-products, youâll have to become a master at label reading. Besides labels that specifically say wheat or flour, the following foods are also forms of wheat that contain gluten durum, einkorn, emmer, Kamut, and spelt. These grains are used to make most of the baked goods you find and also show up in many drinks including alcoholic beverages. There are even some over-the-counter drugs that contain gluten, so check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking new medications or supplements.

    Luckily there are plenty of alternative grains without gluten that can be used to make bread, pasta, cereals, and other things you may want to continue eating. A few of these grains are:

    How Chronic Inflammation Affects Hormones

    Chronic inflammation is about more than pain and redness. It’s also about whole-body communication. And is why inflammation can really mess up our cycles as women. Every different part of the body needs to talk to each other, and our hormones are a big part of that communication. Hormones are messengers for period health.

    According to The Period Repair Manual, our immune system also has messengers. When chronic inflammation is present in the body, the immune system messengers insert themselves in the “conversation” with our hormone messengers, resulting in “hormonal miscommunication.” This miscommunication can show up in many different ways, depending on your body, genetics and other lifestyle factors.

    For me, it’s irregular periods, acne, anxiety and PCOS. It’s why eating anti-inflammatory is the first and most important change I made to reverse my symptoms naturally.

    Recommended Reading: What Crackers Are Gluten Free

    The Role Of Gluten In Weight Gain

    I could not find any good data to support the role of gluten in weight gain which, interestingly, is what started me on the research for this article. There was an animal study that demonstrated fat loss in animals on a gluten-free diet compared to animals eating the same number of calories with gluten. I think human studies need to be conducted because I think most people lose weight when they avoid gluten because there are eating less carbs and/or calories. The same thing happens when people avoid fat, sugar, and animal foods. Placing more restrictions in the diet often leads to less calories which in turn leads to weight loss.

    What To Eat On A Gluten

    Pin by Afrikah on Simple Food

    You can basically eat all the foods that dont contain gluten or dairywhich excludes about 96% of all processed foods out there. But lets focus on what we can eat!

    Fruits And Vegetables. Greens, berries, cruciferous and starchy vegetables, bananas all fruits and vegetables are dairy-free and gluten-free and youre welcome to eat plenty of them Fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants and super beneficial for your health, so they should be the foundation of your everyday diet.

    Herbs And Spices. Basil, mint, dill, turmeric, rosemary, even black pepper! Its no secret herbs and spices have healing properties and can give any dish that little special something.

    Nuts And Seeds. Chia seeds, flaxseed, walnuts, almonds, cashews there are many choices here. Similarly to fruits and vegetables nuts and seeds are full of antioxidants and essential nutrients that the human body just needs.

    Protein. The best choices here are eggs, fish, seafood from a sustainable source and poultry.

    Fiber-Rich Foods. You can have lentils, beans, chickpeas and all the gluten-free grains like quinoa, buckwheat, millet or amaranth. For this week well skip the oats since most varieties are contaminated with gluten.

    Also Check: Fever Tree Ginger Beer Gluten Free

    Diabetes Diet: These Are Some Of The Whole Grains That Can Provide Carbs And Control Blood Sugar Levels At The Same Time

    People with diabetes are usually advised to avoid carbs

    It’s true that you need to be very careful about your food choices if you are a diabetic. And sometimes, there seems to be a lot of confusion about whether you should consume carbs or not. “Individuals with diabetes are frequently encouraged by their doctors to carefully monitor their consumption of carbohydrates to prevent overwhelming the pancreas. But reducing carbs doesn’t mean eliminating them together. In fact, some grains can be healthy for people with diabetes,” tells nutritionist Lovneet Batra via her Instagram page “Nutrition by Lovneet”.

    Well, yes, you can savour grain but as far as they are whole grains. Refrain from having refined grains. Whole grains contain fibres that help lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart diseases and slow digestion that doesn’t spike your blood sugar levels in the blood. Let’s take a look at the whole that people with diabetes can eat stress-free.

    The Best Bread Substitutes For People On An Anti Inflammatory Diet

    If you are on an anti inflammatory diet, or just want to cut down on your bread intake, here are some substitutes you can try:

    • Tortilla wraps: Instead of bread, use store-bought tortilla wraps as a substitute. They are high in fiber and low in calories, so they are a good option if you are trying to cut down on your intake.
    • Pita pockets: Pita pockets are a great substitute for bread. They are high in fiber and low in calories, so they are a good option if you are trying to cut down on your intake. They are also a good source of protein and vitamin C.
    • Oats: If you are looking for a substitute for bread that is high in fiber, try oats. They are also a good source of protein and vitamin E.
    • Quinoa: Quinoa is a great substitute for bread if you are looking for a high-protein option. It is also a good source of fiber and vitamin B6.

    Recommended Reading: Udis Gluten Free Chocolate Muffins

    What Is Chronic Inflammation

    Youve probably heard this term before but you may not understand how inflammation is related to food and the way you feel day-to-day.

    When you think of inflammation, you probably think of the pain and redness that occurs in your skin because of a rash. Its your bodys immune response to protect itself from something harmful. Acute inflammation is great at protecting our bodies, but chronic inflammation in the body is not so great.

    Chronic inflammation means our bodies are constantly inflamed inside and essentially attacking ourselves from the inside out. Depending on your body, it can show up in a host of different ways including digestive issues, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, allergies, period problems and more.

    Is There A Downside To Going Gluten

    Gluten-Free Diet for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    Before you buy into the gluten-free life, buyer beware! It may not help, it may cause trouble, and its likely to cost more.

    While many people think gluten-free diets are more nutritious and contain more minerals and vitamins than conventional foods, the opposite is often true. Gluten-free foods are commonly less fortified with folic acid, iron, and other nutrients than regular foods containing gluten. And gluten-free foods tend to have less fiber and more sugar and fat. Several studies have found a trend toward weight gain and obesity among those who follow a gluten-free diet .

    Meanwhile, gluten-free foods tend to be more expensive than conventional foods. It reminds me of the organic food option: People are often willing to pay much higher prices for foods they think are healthier. The problem is that there is little or no proof that these foods are actually better for you.

    Recommended Reading: Applegate Gluten Free Chicken Tenders

    Experiment With Herbs + Spices

    There are a range of potent herbs and spices you can add to your pantry that prevents and reduce inflammation, plus they add extra flavour to your meals. Some amazing ones to start off with are ginger, turmeric, fennel, parsley, and cumin but experiment away and see which ones you like to use.

    If youd like to play with seasoning blends, try:

    The Best Breads For People With Gluten Sensitivities

    People with gluten sensitivities often have trouble digesting wheat, rye, and barley. This means that many breads are off-limits for them. However, there are a few breads that are especially good for gluten-free eaters.

    One of the best breads for gluten-free eaters is called a GF toast. It is made from GF flour, vegetable oil, salt, and water. To make it, you simply spread peanut or almond butter on one slice of bread, and then put the other slice on top. You can also add sliced bananas, sliced fruit, or other toppings.

    Another great option is a GF bun. This is a type of bun that is made from GF flour, water, and yeast. You can also add toppings, such as peanut or almond butter, honey, or jelly.

    Finally, there is a GF croissant. This is a croissant that is made from GF flour, water, and yeast. You can also add toppings, such as peanut or almond butter, honey, or jelly.

    All of these breads are great options for gluten-free eaters. They are easy to make, and they are very versatile

    Also Check: Simple Kneads Gluten Free Bread

    What About Everyone Else

    There is no compelling evidence that a gluten-free diet will improve health or prevent disease if you don’t have celiac disease and can eat gluten without trouble. Of course, future research could change this. We may someday learn that at least some people without celiac disease or symptoms of intestinal disease are better off avoiding gluten.

    Ditch The Gluten Improve Your Health

    An earthy and healthy gluten

    Thinking of going gluten-free? If you are, you have plenty of company. Interest and enthusiasm around gluten-free diets continues to grow dramatically. You can find plenty of books, diet experts, and advertisements supporting the idea. But does it really improve your health or sense of well-being? Or might it just be a widely amplified health fad?

    Recommended Reading: Best Gluten Free Protein Powder

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